Google Doodle
: गूगल ने डूडल बनाकर
Sun Queen
मारिया टेल्कस को याद किया
Google remembers solar energy scientist Maria Telkes with a doodle
Dr. Maria Telkes was born on this day, December 12, 1900, in the Hungarian city of Budapest
She studied physical chemistry at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest
In 1924 she took the degree of PhD
In her early career, Maria Telkus researched biophysics and the energy created by living thoughts
Joined the MIT Research Group doing research on solar energy in 1939
During World War II, she made sea water drinkable with a solar-powered distiller
In 1953, she designed an oven at the New York University College of Engineering that ran on solar energy
After this, she came to be known as 'solar energy'
In 1952 Dr Telcs became the first woman to receive The Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award
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