10 Best Jobs or career,ways to make money from home

10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course | Best Jobs For Software Engineers

Job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course: The present life is mostly based on software, from small digital watch to a satellite; all are work due to the software programming. So, the 3 most demanding software engineering jobs are the best choice to build a strong future. Day by day the demand for software is increasing and also the jobs are increasing in this field.

Computer and I.T fields are the best options after 12th class. If you have an interest in computers then you can make your best career as a software engineering. As you know that every company, big- small businessmen, banks, schools, health club owner, etc. are using software to make his work easy and to save his time.

If a company wants any software then they will demand it from the I.T industry and I.T industry will make the software with the help of software engineers. Every company demand for software because the software supports our business and works to make it easy, safe, less time consuming, save money with more growth. Single software can do the work of 10 to 15 employees, thus it will give the best output of work with zero error.


No. 1 is Software Developer Job after Software Development course

Software Developer Job is the number 1 choice in the computer field, and it always booming in the computer field. The computer is made of two parts hardware and software. Hardware relates to the outer part while the software is a programming part. Software help to run the machine and the machine is just like a showpiece without software.

Nowadays, there is a huge demand for software or mobile apps. Yes friends a software developer can make the software for computers or mobile both. Our digital world is developing day by day, and we need more and more software developers to fulfill the demand. So there are many job offers with the best salary package in the software development course.

After completing the Software Development course you will get the job easily as a Software Developer and will able to earn a fulfilling package. Thus this is the number 1 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 2 is App Developer Job after Software Development course

The main work of the app developer is to create and maintain apps that fulfill the requirements of the clients related to mobile apps as well as for web app work is to development of a website as per the company or client needs. App developers use the code for the function of a web site accurately and mobile applications.

App developers works are similar to a web developer or mobile developer and presently there are many companies or clients search for the web as well as mobile app developers for freelancing work thus if you have the skill to work as a web or mobile app developer then you can easily get the freelancing work from home. Nowadays, there is a huge demand for mobile apps and websites and a software developer can make the software for computers or mobile both.

Our digital world is developing day by day, and we need more and more app developers to fulfill the demand. So there are many works offers with the best package for developers. Thus this is the number 2 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 3 is a Web Developer Job after Software Development course

A web developer’s main work is to development of a website as per the company or client needs. He uses the code for the function of a web site accurately. He makes all sides of a website very friendly that the users have faced no difficulty to land on any page of the website. He uses the advance and new designs through the code to look at the website attractive and easy for the viewers.

The work of a web developer is related to the IT department so that he works in the IT department with other team members or can do his own work from home as a freelancer. He is responsible to test a website and launch it without any error. He has to cooperate with web designers and other team members to add necessary pages to the website.

A web developer has experience in web programming, knowledge of HTML, and CSS; he must have the knowledge of the programming languages, some basic knowledge of SEO, and also have the skills of problem-solving. Thus this is the number 3 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 4 is a Web Programmer Job after Software Development course

The main work of a web Programmer is to use coding for the improvement of web pages, programs, and apps. He needs to use proper and clear coding and make sure that the programs run properly and fulfill the requirements of the company. The big companies are always ready to hire candidates who are sharp and like to make the new software with the code that is easy but should be best.

Companies see the candidates who can work well with the team as for best output for any work is related to a team and for building software, there is a need for developers, engineers, and web designers. Overall a Web Programmer should be perfect to build the programs which fulfill company needs and also work functional and user-friendly websites and programs.

Web programmer’s responsibilities are to make trendy and demandable programs with clear code as per the needs. He must be perfect in coding and programming languages to build perfect software. Thus this is the number 4 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 5 is a Web Analyst Job after the Software Development course

Analyst means a person whose main work is the check the details in the depth of the field which relates to his working field. Analysts are in every field like in marketing to check the price, competitor, demand, trendy products, etc. same as the computer analyst, finance analyst, web analyst, and many more.

A web analyst analysis the data, web projects, management on webs, and web security. He is working as a team member under a web development department. His main responsibilities are to work with data analyzing, online strategies for the web, analyze the new opportunities, and update for new technologies.

His target is to make sure that there must be growth in online search for the website of the company. He needs to know the online visitor’s thoughts to take action in favor of the company. He will manage web files and connect the team member to rectify the error if any on websites. Thus this is the number 5 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 6 is Computer programmers Job after Software Development

Computer programmers make programs that help to run a system. They write and test code for computer apps that is perfect and function properly. They mainly write codes for many types of software. They use the program made by software developers and engineers into the right instructions that a computer can follow easily and work properly.

They also test newly created applications and programs to ensure that they will present the best results. If they do not work in the right manner then a computer programmer will check the code to rectify the mistakes and he will fix them.

A computer programmer needs to know the languages related to software programs, know the updating of programs, test and rectify errors in programs, and able to write programs in many programming languages. Thus this is the number 6 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 7 is Computer Systems Analysts Job after Software Development

Analyst means a person whose main work is the check the details in the depth of the field which relates to his working field. Analysts are in every field like in marketing to check the price, competitor, demand, trendy products, etc. same as the computer analyst, finance analyst, web analyst, and many more. The work of a computer system analyst is to analyze the problem related to the computer system and solve the problems.

There are many analysts who set up new computer systems, both the hardware and software, and also add new software applications to increase computer productivity. A computer system analyst is related to the computer system and they are expert to know about the business and technology. They are related to the computer system, procedures, productivity, and the main target related to computer systems.

They are responsible to make strategies for the best chances to achieve business goals. They also lead the developers after knowing the current needs of the computer system. If they have knowledge of software languages then they may use coding to updates the computer system. Thus this is the number 7 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 8 is Database Administrators Job after Software Development

Every company wants to secure its database from hackers or other competitors thus they appoint a database administrator to look after the database, secure it, and bring it at the time of need. A DBA work is related to the technology by using some software to maintain and keep data in order.

A database is a type of foundation of a company as it includes the types of information like financial records, payroll data, and customer or client records. These all records are confidential and the database administrator is responsible to secure this database. A database administrator is a work for a company database to secure it, planning for it, testing of it, manage it, operate it, and also maintain it for future requirements.

He has some skills like knowledge of backup and recovery, a strong command of SQL tools, monitoring the performance, strong math skills, and need strong written and verbal communication skills. Thus this is the number 8 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 9 is Information Security Analysts Job after Software Development

As we know that day by day there are lots of software developing and our work becoming easy with new technologies. But day by day the hackers are also targeting more information security systems.  Thus, the company needs information security analysts who can protect the company’s computer networks and systems.

The responsibilities of information security analysts are continually increasing as the number of cyber-attacks increases. Information security analysts format and apply security systems to protect a company’s computer networks from cyber-attacks and to maintain security standards. There are many responsibilities of information security analysts like he monitors the security issues, all cyber-security incidents, operate software to protect systems, maintains a high-security standard, he should know the latest security trends, and help the team members to install the best and safe security system.

A person related to any type of security must be alert all the time from the attackers as you know very well about the soldiers secure our borders. Thus this is the number 9 job option from the 10 Best Jobs or career after Software Development course.

No. 10 is a Teacher / Trainer Job after the Software Development course

As we all know the importance of a teacher in our life and One thing I can say with my experience that if you want to store your learning forever in your memory then teach others and provide your learning to them as this process will do the miracle and your knowledge will fix in your mind thus you will never forget it.

Teaching is the best way to improve your learning, memory, confidence, and skills. Teaching others is to develop the quality to become a leader in the future. Teaching will help you to earn as well as help in focusing your studies as you will spend more time with books. This is the best option to become a teacher after the Software Development course.


Above are the details of 10 Best Jobs or career after the Software Development course. We are providing the complete training of Software Development through our online mobile application and in our DOTNET Institute through offline mode. You can come and visit our DOTNET Institute to join offline classes for the Software Development course and if you are not able to visit our institute then you can download our online mobile app for online classes from anywhere on the web.

We will teach you all languages, coding, and development of software in the Software Development course and also apprenticeship after the completion of the course. I hope this topic will be very useful for you all and if you have any doubt then feel free to ask. If you have any topic on which you want information through my blogs then please give your suggestions as your comments and suggestions are valuable for us. Thanks for supporting, bye, and take care.


Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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