5 Best online Part time job for students with graduation

5 Best online Part time job for students with graduation

The best thing about an online Part time job is you can do it from your home on online platforms. So please go through the topic “5 Best online Part time job for students with graduation” carefully to understand how part-time online jobs are good for you.

Students can search the best online part time jobs near me for them, they can do part time job from home for students to get highest paying part time jobs. Periods of working time is shorter than usual hours are called a part-time job. Online Part-time jobs are available in every field. And the best part of online part time job is you get time and place flexibility.


Why part-time online jobs with graduation?

Now in an online platform, every hobby has value like dancing, narrating, teaching, writing, etc. Today you will learn how and what type of part-time jobs you can do in student age without affecting your studies.

The part time online job after graduation for students is the best way to start work without investment. Online part time jobs for students can be done in mobile, laptop, and desktop computer.

Students can search the best online part time jobs near me for them, they can do part time job from home for students to get highest paying part time jobs.    

  • Make students independent

  • They learn budgeting which is necessary in life

  • Get work experience

  • Get to know that in which field they have interest

  • Choose the career option easily

  • Earn the pocket money

  • Boost confidence

  • Built the connection with professionals

  • Forward their career in same field they are working part-time

  • Able to help their parents

5 best part time online job for students with graduation

Students can search the best online part time jobs near me for them, they can do part time job from home for students to get highest paying part time jobs.    

Online Tutor

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the online tutors are highly in demand so you can earn online and start your online job easily as you have to provide the studies which you have completed just a moment before.

What is online tutor?

Online tuition is the best way to improve your learning, memory, confidence, and skills. Teaching others is to develop the quality to become a leader in the future. Online tuition will help you to earn as well as help in focusing your studies as you will spend more time with books. Online tutoring jobs are best for the students as they can start online tutoring jobs just after their high school without any investment.

Content Writing

Writing is the best skill to develop you. Now content writing is highly in demand, and most people are earning the best package by doing the writing work. The part time online job after graduation for students is the best way to start work without investment. Online part time jobs for students can be done in mobile, laptop, and desktop computer.

What is Content writing?

Companies are focusing for online platforms more as they know the more customers are available on online platforms only. To display their products and to inform the details of the company’s quality and friendly dealing they need a content writer to present the company in the best way. Students need strong thinking power and knowledge of words to become a content writer to do online part time job without investment.


The best ways to earn money with Google is you can make your website, and then you can make blogs on your website or can create a separate blogging site. So, your earnings will be from more sides by doing this as a part time online job without investment and very near to you work from home only.

What is blogging?

Blogging is form of written content we get on digital platforms. A blogger writes about his knowledge, learning, and experience by posting in digital platforms. This content helps the searcher to take the knowledge and learning to related field. At present time many companies are hiring the blogger who has good command over the language and E-writing. 

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Digital Marketing

The best thing about digital marketing is that there is no boundary line for the customers as well as for the seller. People use no manpower to market their products and even they do some other online work after learning the skills related to digital marketing. You can generate multi source income at online platform by working online part time jobs without investment.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is related to online platforms with gadgets available at our home, office, or everywhere. Digital marketing is a method to promote your products or services on the online platforms to get the customers. Online marketing is done on the internet with the help of electronic devices such as computers, mobiles, etc.

YouTube Video

Online tuition and online computer classes are related to YouTube videos. If you have the talent and skills to work with YouTube then you can make your channel on YouTube and upload your video to help others. YouTube provides money to working according to the policy of YouTube.

What is online part time job on YouTube Video?

YouTube is very popular video library among the people at present and many students earning from it by making video or video editing work for others as online part time job without investment.

Thus, you can also start with work YouTube as part-time job and later you can make it your career too. You can search the best online part time jobs and can do part time job from home for students to get highest paying part time jobs.    

Best part time jobs for graduate students

Graduate students should definitely do part time job. And if you want to do online part time jobs without investment then go through the topic ‘5 Best online Part time job for students with graduation’.

Translator or Interpreter

Many companies hire a translator to convert the message in easy and understandable languages from the legal department as the message has the words related to laws, sections, and some typical words related to their department only.

Job Responsibilities of a Translator

  • A translator is who has a good command of languages, grammar check, and editing

  • He has good knowledge of basic computers like MS Office, typing skills, and strong listening ability.

  • The main job work of translators is listening to voice or audio/ video recordings and converts these recordings into written documents like an mp3 file converted into the MS word document.

  • A perfect and skillful translator will be able to convert any type of recording, text, video, and live speeches.


You don’t need any degree for translator job but yes you need practice and learning for languages. You have to take the step like

  • Gain experience,

  • Get certify,

  • Learn courses,

  • Start freelancing online part time jobs without investment,

  • Make online self-portfolio,

  • Build your CV to post on sites like, LinkedIn, job boards, etc.

Average Salary:

  • Starts from 15K to 20K (monthly basis)

  • Starts from 200/- (hourly basis)

  • Make more than 50K after getting more experience

Freelance Writer

Writing is the best skill to develop you. Now content writing is highly in demand, and most people are earning the best package by doing the writing work. You need strong thinking power and knowledge of words to become a content writer. College students are earning unlimited money as content writers.

Job Responsibilities of a Freelance Writer

Companies are focusing the online platforms as they know the more customers are available on online platforms only.

To display their products and to inform the details of the company’s quality and friendly dealing they need a content writer to present the company in the best way. Thus, companies hiring the freelance writer.


You can start your Freelance Writing work after 12th or with graduation because in this stage student capable to make writing work properly.

Average Salary:

Starts from 10K to 12K and earn more after experience

Resident assistant

Resident Assistant is also called a digital assistant as he can work from home or from a particular place only for the seniors. Digital technology has taken the place fastly and the companies are working for a decade thus the owners and seniors of the company have the lack of knowledge about the digital platforms. In this situation, a Resident assistant can help company.

Job Responsibilities of a Resident assistant

Resident Assistant works are to take dictation, read email, other text messages, know phone numbers, and schedule the meeting of company seniors with clients or customers.

The new generation is mostly perfect for working with digital platforms thus they work as a Resident assistant for the company as a part-time job


You can start your Freelance Writing work after 12th or with graduation because in this stage student capable to do assistant work properly.

Average Salary:

Starts from 15K to 20K

Social media specialist

Social Media work is advertising for your product or services on social media platforms. This is the best skill and highly in demand as the popularity of social media made it high demandable skill.

You can learn to make the strategies of social media campaigning on very popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. You will update your online marketing skill after this you will be able to develop an effective social media strategy for your business or for other firms.

Job Responsibilities of Social media specialist

  • The main target is to achieve more sales and benefits for the company for a Social Media Expert.

  • SMM Expert will do the planning, check performance, monitoring, and the social media strategy to expand awareness of the product.

  • Check the trend on social media platforms

  • Improve marketing efforts, and increase the sale of the company.

  • Do marketing as per the format available on social media.


After 12th you can do Social media specialist because you need to complete 18 years to be active and understand Social media.

Average Salary:

8K to 10K (depend on your performance and activeness on social media)

Where to find work 5 best online Part time job for students with graduation:

  • Flex Jobs

  • Upwork

  • Indeed

  • Fiverr

  • Monster

  • CollegeGrad

  • CoolWorks

  • Freelancer and more

  • com

  • Zip recruiter

4. What to look for in a part-time job for graduate students:


Time and place Flexibility is the best in a part-time job for graduate students because they need to work without affecting their studies.

Transferable skills:

Skills that you can use at any job it may be related to any type of work or company like communication, punctuality, team work, dedication, etc.

Career-related skills:

Making a bright career need some important career related skills like dedication, problem-solving, learning technology, self-development, time management, planning, and organising.

Network connections:

For online part time work you need good and strong Network connections because online work related to online network only. Thus good Network connections can help you to get online part time job easily with graduation.

Professional experience:

Every field have more opportunities for the Professional thus getting Professional experience will ease to get the best part time online jobs with graduation.


Part time job for students with graduation is the best way to develop them and doing a part job will give them a path for the future as they will come to know that in which field they have interest. They will boost confidence and aware of working process. They will able to make new contacts which can help them in the future when they go to find any job.

Part time job for students with graduation will help students part time earning after graduation. The online part time jobs for students are available at online platform’s part time jobs without any investment. The online part time jobs for students in mobile from home are the highest paying part time jobs.

If you want to learn skills related to part time jobs then we are providing the complete training at our DOTNET Institute with all computer courses, professional courses, and also online training at out Online Mobile App.


Part time job can be related to student’s interest, or hobbies. But the home tuitions, content writing, blogging, graphic designing are the best part time jobs for students.

Yes, you can do jobs as a part time employee, or do freelancing work as per your time schedule.  You will get hourly payment with part time job. Thus, you can work as per free hours you have.

There are many part time job described in above topic. You can choose as per your interest and start you part time job.

These part time jobs are the best for students in India because these jobs are available in every city, and every state of India.

  • YouTuber
  • Home Tutor
  • Blogging
  • Content writer
  • Translator
  • Freelancing work as per skill
  • Library Assistant
  • Social Media Assistant
  • Parking Attendant

Working part time is the best way to earn money as a student. There are many part time job described in above topic. You can choose as per your interest and start you part time job.

  • YouTuber
  • Blogging
  • Content writer
  • Translator
  • Freelancing work as per skill
  • Social Media Assistant
  • Graphic designer
  • YouTuber
  • Online Tutor
  • Blogging
  • Content writer
  • Translator
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Influencer
  • Freelancing work as per skill
  • Social Media Assistant
  • YouTuber
  • Home Tutor
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Influencer
  • Freelancing work as per skill
  • Social Media Assistant
  • App Assistant
  • Costumer calling
  • Counseling
  • Tele caller
  • Target Achiever
  • Flex Jobs
  • Upwork
  • Indeed
  • Fiverr
  • Monster
  • CollegeGrad
  • CoolWorks
  • Freelancer and more
  • com
  • Zip recruiter
mar 20

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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