Part time jobs are important for every student to become an independent person. Thus, you need to know about 5 best part time earning sources with graduation. You can do these most in-demand part time jobs without affecting your studies.
The best way is to use your natural skills and talent or use your hobby for your part time earning. Now in an online platform, every hobby has value like dancing, painting, narrating, teaching, writing, ideas, and so many. Today you will learn how and what type of part time jobs you can do with graduation without affecting your studies.
Why students need part time earning with graduation?
Every student likes earning and we start our earnings at a particular age but when we start our college then every student wants to help their parent by earning self-expenses. And due to continuing studies student not able to do that. But now it’s possible to start earning at your student age to do a part time job.
Today you will learn how and what type of part time jobs you can do with graduation. You can go through this topic deeply to know why part time earning with graduation.
Get work experience
Get to know that in which field they have interest
Choose the career option easily
Earn the pocket money
Coronavirus Pandemic: A New Opportunity
Teach English: important to grow in computer world as it related to English only
Virtual Assistant: Virtual Assistant is also called a digital assistant as he works online from home for clients.
Make students independent
They learn budgeting which is necessary in life
Boost confidence
Built the connection with professionals
Forward their career in same field they are working part time
Able to help their parents
5 best part time earning sources with graduation
Home tuition
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the online tutors are highly in demand so you can earn online and start your online job easily as you have to provide the studies which you have completed just a moment before.
Home tuition is the best way to improve your learning, memory, confidence, and skills. Teaching others is to develop the quality to become a leader in the future.
Home tuition will help you to earn as well as help in focusing your studies as you will spend more time with books. Home tutoring is best for the students as they can start home tutoring just after high school without any investment.
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Evening shift attendant
With graduation students have more time in evening which they can utilize by working as an evening shift attendant like student can work at a medical practitioner of your locality.
The work of evening shift attendant is to ensure security, check cleaning work, make report outstanding issues, check lost & found items related to department, monitor housekeeping for different area like stairs, rooms, lobby, landings, control closets, etc.
Evening shift attendant is a good part time job for the students without investment. You don’t need any experience or learning for this job. Only you require being more careful about responsibilities provided you by seniors or owner. You should more active and responsible in absence of owner as he has appointed you by trusting on you not for any degree or professional course.
Delivery boy
To deliver needy things to people is really a great job towards mankind. Students boost their confidence by doing these types of jobs. The best part is that you learn communication skills, know every route of your city, or locality, get blessing from people you serve, know road safety, learn traffic rule, and more.
The job role of a delivery boy is delivering items timely, prepare delivery reports, follow routes & time, get client feedback, resolve the client issue, collect payment, make client comfortable for payment mode, careful loading and unloading at the time to deliver clients, soft voice tone with proper volume, clean clothing, and your body language is proper while delivering to clients.
You can work as Delivery boy by working as a:
Newspaper Delivery boy.
Milk packets distribution in milk agency which is again a morning shift only job.
With Swiggy, Zomato, etc.
Game tester
If you like to spend time with gadget then you can earn of this habit to work as a game tester. Now there is a huge demand of video game tester due to the popularity of video games. You can work as a game tester in starting and later you can enter into game industry to make a career in it.
Maximum youngsters like to play games most so just think that you can play games and also make your earnings by working as a game tester for makers.
The main responsibility of a game tester is to check the errors of game under development by playing it. He has to find out bugs by working with programmers and other technical members of game development team. Many companies hire temporary and part time game tester to pay hourly wages. Earning may low as per permanent employee but this is the best part time job with graduation to get money for your expenses, and also for experience.
Graphic Designing
Graphic designing is the best option to do part time jobs as the graphic designers are highly in demand. You can contact to any add agencies or firms has the work of graphic and do graphic designing for them as a part time job.
Graphic designing is highly demanding online work because maximum companies are connecting with digital platforms so they are making a website with the best graphics and they need the best graphic designer for this work.
You can contact the needy companies by uploading your resume as a part time job seeker. If your graphic and designs will good then definitely the company will contact you and provide you part time job. Then you can join them and start your part time job. Graphic designing provide you skills to work as a freelancer.
Learn online part time skills to make your financial condition stable by clicking on download button below.
Data Entry jobs available part time if you are good at typing
Data entry work is the transfer of all data from the paper files to computer files, or we can say that to make software copy from the hardware copy as soft copy of any data is for life long, easy to maintain and easy to find from anywhere if it’s save in email account.
The main motto of a data entry operator is to keep data in order so that it can be ready to use at any time. Data entry online job need update all data into the company’s server and for this job students need knowledge of MS Office, and typing skills with good speed & accuracy. Thus, you can do data entry job easily for online earning as part time with graduation.
What’s the Best Job for a College Student?
Part time jobs are the best option for college going students. Working part time will not affect studies and you will be able to get working experience too. There are some of the best part time jobs for the college going students such as:
Home tuition
Content writer
Data entry
Translation job
Freelancing job
Graphic designing
List of Online Part Time Jobs for College Students
Jobs Name | Average Salary |
Tutoring online | Starts from 10K and upto student’s strength |
Freelance writing | Starts from 10K to 12K and earn more after experience |
Data Entry | Starts from 10K to 15K |
Virtual Assistant Jobs | Starts from 15K to 20K |
Translation job | Starts from 15K to 20K |
Where to find work:
Flex Jobs
Freelancer and more
Zip recruiter
Jobs for College Students
Online Tutor
Content writer
Data Entry
Virtual Assistant
Part time Computer Faculty
Freelancing work as per skill
Library Assistant
Social Media Assistant
Parking Attendant
What are some part time jobs for students in Delhi?
Home Tutor
Content writer
Virtual Assistant
Part time Computer Faculty
Freelancing work as per skill
Library Assistant
Social Media Assistant
Parking Attendant
5 best part time earning sources with graduation is the best way to develop them and doing a part job will give them a path for the future as they will come to know that in which field they have interest. They will boost confidence and aware of working process. They will able to make new contacts which can help them in the future when they go to find any job.
5 best part time earning sources with graduation will help students part time earning after graduation. The online part time jobs for students are available at online platform’s part time jobs without any investment. The online part time jobs for students in mobile from home are the highest paying part time jobs.
If you want to learn skills related to part time jobs then we are providing the complete training at our DOTNET Institute with all computer courses, professional courses, and also online training at out Online Mobile App.
Part time job can be related to student’s interest, or hobbies. But the home tuitions, content writing, blogging, graphic designing are the best part time jobs for students.
Yes, you can do jobs as a part time employee, or do freelancing work as per your time schedule. You will get hourly payment with part time job. Thus, you can work as per free hours you have.
There are many part time job described in above topic. You can choose as per your interest and start you part time job.
These part time jobs are the best for students in India because these jobs are available in every city, and every state of India.
- YouTuber
- Home Tutor
- Blogging
- Content writer
- Translator
- Freelancing work as per skill
- Library Assistant
- Social Media Assistant
- Parking Attendant
Working part time is the best way to earn money as a student. There are many part time job described in above topic. You can choose as per your interest and start you part time job.
- YouTuber
- Blogging
- Content writer
- Translator
- Freelancing work as per skill
- Social Media Assistant
- Graphic designer
- YouTuber
- Online Tutor
- Blogging
- Content writer
- Translator
- Virtual Assistant
- Influencer
- Freelancing work as per skill
- Social Media Assistant
- YouTuber
- Home Tutor
- Virtual Assistant
- Influencer
- Freelancing work as per skill
- Social Media Assistant
- App Assistant
- Costumer calling
- Counseling
- Tele caller
- Target Achiever

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.