After completing any course it may be related to any field candidate try to find out the suitable jobs for them. Thus, here I am defining the ‘5 easy ways to search job. After knowing these 5 easy ways to search job, we believe that you will surely get the best job.
As we all know that to get a good health it’s necessary to work. Our body is just like a machine, and it need to work to improve the mental and physical health. Self-earning boost your self-esteem and confidence. You feel happy when you get financial independence. To fulfil our daily needs we have to earn. So job searching is necessary after a certain age.
5 Easy Ways to Search Job
Which are the Best ways to find a job?
The 5 ways to look for a job are:
No. 1 is Search job by Online Job Portal:
As fresher no one knows that how to find the job. So you can start your job searching by online job portals. Online portals are the website which provide job for the candidate and the suitable candidates for the company. These portals work as a mediator for the company and the candidate.
How to search job by Online Job Portal:
Go to online Google Play Store
Search online job portal app with your smartphone, and you will get many online portals which will find job for you
Reach to the online portal website
Post your resumes as per your requirement and skills
Fill the all necessary details on the portal
Give your contact details to the executive where they can contact you easily
You can ask for the online or offline both interview procedure.
You can write for the salary expectation and working hours also
Submitting your complete and true details will get you the job as per your need.
You can post your resume in many portals at the same time.
If you have the freelancing work skills then you can also get the freelance work from online job portals.
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Learn online computer skills to get job easily. Please click on the download button below
No. 2 is Search job by Company Career page
Presently every company has links up with online platform by their website. Many companies made the career page on their website. In this career page company posts the vacant places of their department. They hire the candidate who is suitable for their company by getting the resume from company career page. Thus, the company career page is the best option to Search job easily.
Steps to search job by company career page:
Go to the company website in which you wanted to work
Go to the career page
You will get the company success story, goals and about the employee’s strength
You will get details of the vacant place in the company
You can post your resume with contact details
The HR will contact you if they find you a suitable candidate for their company
Thus, you can directly get job in any company through their company career page
No. 3 is Search job by Social Media (LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram)
As we know the power of Social Media very well. Thus, it also provides a better job for you. There are many social media platforms where you can get the job easily as per your skills.
People spend maximum time on social media and many candidates getting the job from social media. We can say that mostly people are connected to social media so you can share you resume to the maximum people and get the job easily.
How to search job by using Social Media
Make your account on every social media platform
Be active on social media platform
Post your resumes on every social media platform
Be careful about the privacy settings
Be a part of any current discussion on social media
Show your skills and a better personality
Follow the online news related to industry
Be a part of the group related to your job or skills
Updates your profiles timely
No. 4 is Search job by Campus placement
Presently mostly college and reputed institutions are providing the campus placement after completing the course. If you are learning any course form any institution then you will get placement from there. Many students don’t confirm about the job placement after completing their courses.
If you will ask for job then definitely your institute will provide placement if you have completed your course. Mostly institutes are link up with many companies.
How to search job by Campus placement
After completing your course successfully contact to the HR Department of the institute
Tell them about you course and job in which you have interest
Give them hard and softcopy of your resume
Provide your contact details
Ask them about time period of the placement
Some institutes provide training to crack interviews
Be a part of these types of trainings by managing your time
Be a part of every social activity held in the institute
No. 5 is Search job by Newspaper Ads
Searching job by Newspaper Ads is the oldest way to get a job. Before 20 years mostly jobs were published in the newspaper but right now few jobs are publishing in the newspaper. But yes still there are jobs advertise in the newspaper. You can read these jobs option and contact them with the contact details.
Many companies are publishing their jobs in the newspaper. Thus, you can also search job by Newspaper Ads and crack the interview as per your skills and talent.
How to search job by Newspaper Ads
Go to the Classified section or Vacant section of the newspaper
You can also buy the newspaper related to jobs only like Times job, Employment News Today, Rojgar Samachar, etc.
You will get contact details and job description on these Ads
If the job description is as per your skills then you can directly go for the interview on the given address
You can call on the phone numbers given with job description
Get complete details about the company and post before going to interview
Companies get a small column on the newspaper to post the job details. So they are not able to post all details
Thus, it’s necessary to check the complete details about the job post, interview timing and type of work.
Friend and relative parson Referral
Friend and relative parson Referral is another best way to get the best job easily. As you know that human is a social being, and no one can live without the social connection. But some people have very less social connections and this situation separate them from the society. To make a strong social network can make your job search easier than others.
How to get Friend and relative parson Referral for job search?
Make strong social connection
Think your relation before asking for referral
Help them in need
Accept their refuse
Express gratitude towards your referral
Maintain your connection
Referral can come from your former boss or colleague
You can make referral from your Friend and relative
Get a referral as per your skills as your referral also make good impression of your source
Make a referral for others too if you got chance in the future.
Jobs search websites
The best job websites to get a good job soon are:
Above are the all 5 easy ways to search job. These all are the right and easy way to search a job. And if you are fresher then you should definitely try these 5 easy ways to search job.
If you want to learn any computer courses then we are providing the training of all skills in our DOTNET Institute, now you can come and join our institute and if you are not able to come in our institute then you can download our online mobile app as we are providing all training in our Online Mobile App.
Online Job Portal
Company Career page
Social Media
Campus placement
Newspaper Ads
Perform well whenever get any opportunity to participate
Always get your feedback from seniors
Always apply for every opportunity you may be able or not
Make a perfect research for the company needs
Make a broad social network
Be familiar with employer’s group
Online Job Portal
Company Career page
Social Media
Campus placement
Newspaper Ads
Job fairs
Social networking
Many companies promote natural skills instead of your work experience. Thus, if you have some natural talent then you can get job with no experience. Google is the best company who always promote natural talent.
Online portal and social media are the best ways to begin your job search.
Follow the steps to get job immediately:
Learn computer skills
Learn online skills
Update your self
Keep Updates of current affairs
Know the company hiring trend
Make strong online network connections
Make more followers on social media
Be active on online or social media platforms
Make a strong social connection
Online Job Portal
Company Career page
Social Media
Campus placement
Newspaper Ads
Job fairs
Social networking
The creative ways to find a job are:
Post your resume to all job search resources
Use your referrals
Make a portfolio to impress employers
Make video resume
Attend the company events
Make connection with HR groups
Participate with social discussion
Listing more can help you to get more creative ideas

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.