5 Most in-demand part-time online jobs for students

5 Most in-demand part-time online jobs for students

Part-time jobs are important for every student to become an independent person. Thus, you need to know about 5 most in-demand part-time online jobs for students. You can do these 5 most in-demand part-time online jobs without affecting your studies.

The best way is to use your natural skills and talent or use your hobby for your part-time earning. Now in an online platform, every hobby has value like dancing, painting, narrating, teaching, writing, ideas, and so many. Today you will learn how and what type of part-time jobs you can do in student age without affecting your studies.


What are Part-Time online Jobs for students?

Generally in India the working hours are 8 hours per day and 10 hours are allowed if you do overtime for extra earning. Periods of time shorter than usual hours is called a part-time job and the working hours are 4 to 5 hours in a part-time job. Part-time jobs are available in every field and in every company. And now at the present time, the part-time jobs are available in online platforms.

The best thing is you can do part-time jobs from your home in online platforms. So please go through the topic “5 Most in-demand part-time online jobs for students” deeply to understand that how part-time online jobs are good for you. Once you will choose the suitable part-time job for you then you can make it your full time job later and can earn a good package.

What are the benefits of part-time online jobs for students?

  1. You have a choice in part-time jobs to do a job daily or in alternative days or two times a week.

  2. Part-time jobs are the best way to make multi income sources for your future.

  3. You get a chance to develop your skills and talent and get the experience of working to do a part-time job in student age.

  4. Part-time jobs are flexible jobs as you can make your own choice schedule for work, for studying, and for learning something.

  5. Part-time jobs are the best option for extra income that can support your financial condition.

  6. Part-time jobs are the best option for student as he learns the way of earning, become independent for his expenses, and develop the skills of working.

  7. If you are doing any business then part-time jobs will provide a great supplement income to run your business smoothly.

  8. Part-time jobs in online platforms are a great option for those young mothers who can leave their babies at home and best for elderly people who can’t do daily travel for work in companies.

  9. Students learn to manage money and make new friends whom they meet the first time and they all are from different places. Thus students get experience to know different people from different places.

  10.  Part-time job will not affect the studies of the students.

If you want to learn skills regarding the part time online jobs then click on the download button below.

5 Most in-demand part-time online jobs for students are:

1. Tutoring online

Tutoring Online

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the online tutors are highly in demand so you can earn online and start your online job easily as you have to provide the studies which you have completed just a moment before. 

Online tuition is the best way to improve your learning, memory, confidence, and skills. Teaching others is to develop the quality to become a leader in the future. Home tuition will help you to earn as well as help in focusing your studies as you will spend more time with books. Online tutoring jobs are best for the students as they can start online tutoring jobs just after their high school without any investment.

2. Freelance writing

Freelance Writing

Writing is the best skill to develop you. Now content writing is highly in demand, and most people are earning the best package by doing the writing work. You need strong thinking power and knowledge of words to become a content writer. College students are earning unlimited money as content writers.

Companies are focusing the online platforms as they know the more customers are available on online platforms only. To display their products and to inform the details of the company’s quality and friendly dealing they need a content writer to present the company in the best way. Thus, companies hiring the freelance writer.

3. Data Entry

Data entry

Data entry work is the transfer of all data from the paper files to computer files, or we can say that to make software copy from the hardware copy as soft copy of any data is for life long, easy to maintain and easy to find from anywhere if it’s save in email account. And this important work is done by a data entry operator.

The main motto of a data entry operator is to keep data in order so that it can be ready to use at any time. Data entry online job need update all data into the company’s server and for this job students need knowledge of MS Office, basic typing skills, good command over grammar, and good communication skill in English. Thus, you can do this job easily for online earning.

4. Virtual Assistant Jobs

Virtual Assistant Jobs

Virtual Assistant is also called a digital assistant as he can work from home or from a particular place only for the seniors. Digital technology has taken the place fastly and the companies are working for a decade thus the owners and seniors of the company have the lack of knowledge about the digital platforms. In this situation, a virtual assistant can help company.

Virtual Assistant works are to take dictation, read email, other text messages, phone numbers, and schedule the meeting of company seniors with clients or customers. The new generation is mostly perfect for working with digital platforms thus they work as a virtual assistant for the company as a part-time job. 

5. Translation job

Translation Job

A translator is who has a good command of languages, grammar check, and editing also has good knowledge of basic computers like MS Office, typing skills, and strong listening ability. The main job work of translators is listening to voice or audio/ video recordings and converts these recordings into written documents like an mp3 file converted into the MS word document.

Many companies hire a translator to convert the message in easy and understandable languages from the legal department as the message has the words related to laws, sections, and some typical words related to their department only. A perfect and skilful translator will be able to convert any type of recording, text, video, and live speeches.

How to get start work from home?

Use your natural skills and talent to get start work from home. There are many ways you can start work from home, only you need patience and dedication to start work from home. The best ways to get start work from home without any investment are:

  • YouTuber

  • Online Tutor

  • Blogging

  • Content writer

  • Translator

  • Data Entry

  • Virtual Assistant

Why students need part-time jobs?

Every student likes earning and we start our earnings at a particular age but when we start our college then every student wants to help their parent by earning self-expenses. And due to continuing studies student not able to do that. But now it’s possible to start earning at your student age to do a part-time job.

Now in an online platform, every hobby has value like dancing, painting, narrating, teaching, writing, ideas, and so many. Today you will learn how and what type of part-time jobs you can do in student age without affecting your studies. You can go through this topic deeply to know why students need part-time jobs.

  • Make students independent

  • They learn budgeting which is necessary in life

  • Get work experience

  • Get to know that in which field they have interest

  • Choose the career option easily

  • Earn the pocket money

  • Boost confidence

  • Built the connection with professionals

  • Forward their career in same field they are working part-time

  • Able to help their parents

Average income:

Jobs Name Average Income
Tutoring online Starts from 10K and upto the student’s strength
Freelance writing Starts from 10K to 12K and earn more after experience
Data Entry Starts from 10K to 15K
Virtual Assistant Jobs Starts from 15K to 20K
Translation job Starts from 15K to 20K

Find Job Website:

Find Job Website
  • FlexJobs.com

  • Naukri.com

  • Apna.co

  • Upwork.com

  • Indeed.com

  • Monster.com

  • CollegeGrad.com

  • CoolWorks.com

  • glassdoor.com

  • Quikr.com

  • shine.com

  • jobhai.com

  • workindia.in

  • timesjobs.com

  • Freelancer and more


As per my experience, every student should do the part-time job for their pocket money. Doing a part job will give you a path for your future as you will come to know that in which field you have the interest, what are your strength or weakness, and about your skills too. 

Working as part-time job in any field will boost your confidence and you aware of the working process. You will able to make new contacts which can help you in your future when you go for any job or for any work in the companies.

Part-time jobs help us to select our career as we are aware of our interest and strength. Thus, part-time job are necessary for every students to get the work experience and also to know about the value of money.


There are many best online part time jobs for students without investment:

  • Translation job

  • Content Writing

  • Data Entry

  • YouTuber

  • Tutoring online and more.

Tutoring online

Freelance writing

Data Entry

Virtual Assistant Jobs

Translation job

  • Online Tutoring

  • Blogging

  • YouTuber

  • freelance Writing

  • Freelancer works

  • Translation Jobs

  • Virtual Assistant

  • Transcriptionist

You can earn money at home as a student by following these steps:

  • Be active on Social Media

  • Become a YouTuber

  • Make account on every Social Media Sites

  • Become a Influencer

  • Start online tuition

  • Start Blogging

Get to know your interest and natural talent and make website to show your skills. Let the people know about your talent and you will get pay for it soon. You can make blogging site or start your YouTube channel to show your skill.

There are some jobs which you can do from home with no experience:

  • Become a YouTuber

  • Content writing

  • Online tutor

  • Blogging

  • Freelancer works

  • Virtual Assistant

  • Translation job

  • Content writer

  • YouTuber

  • Freelancer

  • Translator

  • Online tutoring

  • Survey Taker

You need only 2 to 3 hours for any part time job when you are starting and later you want only 1 hour to manage the part time jobs which you can manage with your studies.

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Game Tester

  • Blogging

  • Translation jobs

  • Content Writing

  • YouTuber

  • Data Entry

  • Website Tester

  • Translation jobs

  • YouTuber

  • Data Entry

  • Telecallers

  • Survey Taker

  • Game Tester


Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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