
5 Success MANTRAS for YOUTUBER | 5 Tips for Success an YOUTUBER

5 success mantras for Youtuber: YouTube is the most popular online video library of this era. Yes, this is a big line for the YouTube site, but it’s true. So you should know about the 5 success mantras for YouTuber. There are many other online platforms, where you can make your success. But, YouTube site is the most popular and demanding site as maximum people spent their time searching on this platform.

Every information on this site is uploaded with video content and it’s easy for every to understand video content in comparison to written content. You can find the channel of your need, as all videos available on YouTube site related to each and every field. It may be education, health, food, clothes, travel, transportation, games, electronics, etc. and many more.

It’s my own experience to work with YouTube and first as a learner and later as a trainer. Friends if you want to become a YouTuber then you need to read this topic till the end. And I assure you that if you will follow these 5 success mantras then definitely you will become a successful YouTuber.


Definition of YouTube site

YouTube is a video library where you can watch videos uploaded by creators. The three PayPal employees-Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim created the service in February 2005 and later Google bought the site in November 2006. Now it’s under Google. There are several types of videos in the YouTube such as songs, tutorials, household things, animals, health, etc.

You can learn many things in this popular site and if you are master and have the experience of any or gave talent of any field then you can work for YouTube users and earn a very good package for yourself. Many great and experienced people are earning lakhs on a monthly basis from YouTube.

5 Success Mantras for YouTuber

If you want to earn with YouTube then you need to know the way of working with it and must know the policy of working. Google is very strict about the terms and condition as well as payment procedure is best. I am going to tell you about the 5 success mantras for YouTuber.

Mantra No. 1 – Create your own content

According to the YouTube policy, your video content must not be copied from other users of YouTube. YouTube is very strict on copyright issues. If it finds copied content on your channel then it will warn you first and later with the same mistake it can ban or lock your channel. So be original while starting your YouTube channel. The benefits of original content are you make a strong relationship with your subscribers.

When you post any content then your followers may ask many questions through comments and if you have knowledge of it then only you can give them the right answer and reply to them is the best way to connect with them. Friend subscribers are like the audience for a show. And you know that without the audience no show can be started.

So you must be with original content related to the field in which you have the knowledge, skills, and experience. In this way, you will make a trustworthy relation with your followers. More subscribers on your channel will make you a success YouTuber.

Mantra No. 2 – Make the video as per category

Before starting your channel you must decide on the category. Like if you are select a category of cooking then make the video of cooking, if you select the category of education then make video of education, if you select the category of health then make videos related to health, etc. It’s very important because the category is the identity of your channel.

Viewers will land on your channel by searching for a particular category video. And once they like or get the benefit of your channel then they will definitely share it and suggest others follow your channel for particular category information.

When users search anything then YouTube suggests your videos to users and they watch the video by YouTube suggestion. But if you will not fix the category then YouTube will confuse about your channel category and it will not able to suggest your channel.

You need YouTube suggestions to promote your channel. There is more competition on YouTube thus you need to follow the instructions of YouTube. So please fix your category before starting your channel.

Mantra No. 3 – Video SEO

In my previous blogs, I already informed you about the details related to SEO. And you can read my blogs to know what SEO is and how it works. But here I want to tell you that the work of SEO is to land more and more viewers on your channel. Thus you need to know or have the skills of SEO.

Only making video for YouTube is not enough because you make the video for your followers, not for YouTube. It is only a means to connect with your audience. So you need to know how to land more and more viewers on your channel and it is possible to know how SEO works to connect more viewers to your video.

Always remember it that your title, thumbnail, and information by your video must be related to each other. Like if you are making a title of computer information then the content of the video must be about computers only, it must not be related to health or cooking. If you do this mistake then your viewers will irritate by it because if they are searching for a computer course and they will get a cooking course then surely they will irritate and never come again on your channel.

Thus you will lose more viewers by this mistake. And even the software of YouTube will be caught you and it will not suggest your video to the searcher. So please get to know or learn the skills related to SEO and after you will get success as a YouTuber.

Mantra No. 4 – Check YouTube Analytics

The number 4 mantra is very important as it will tell you the performance of your channel. The best thing to work with YouTube is that YouTube provides everything free of cost. You should not pay anything to work with YouTube. And to share your knowledge with YouTube users can start your earnings by following the terms and conditions of YouTube.

By YouTube Analytics you will get to know everything about your videos like which age group watched your videos, about city, country, place, time duration, etc. it will show you that which video is ranked more and by whom it watched by more.

You will get to know from top to bottom about your channel. You should keep an eye on your YouTube Analytics. By this, you will identify the mistakes and you will able to rectify them. You will also know the video which works best and you can follow the same pattern of your other video to work best. YouTube Analytics is the best way to check your performance and improve your channel timely to get success as a YouTuber.

Mantra No. 5 – Connect with your Subscriber

The 5th and last important mantras are to connect with your subscribers. Subscribers are people who watch and like your videos, these people want to watch more videos of your channel so they just become members of your channel by subscribing to it. After subscribe they get notification of every video uploaded by you. These subscribers are the only way to promote your channel by YouTube. Thus connect with your subscriber is necessary for you.

You will get feedback on your work or videos by subscribers. You can ask them through comment section that how much they like your video, suggestion for changes, information regarding any topic, loopholes of your videos, way of making the video, etc. all these things will make a healthy relationship with your subscribers and they share your video with their friend and relative, thus you will get more subscriber for your channel. When they appreciate your video then thank them and if they have any queries regarding your video then clear their all doubts.

Subscriber friendly content will multiply your subscriber fast and your channel will grow fast. So always care for your subscriber comment, reply to them soon and connect with them regularly.

These are 5 Success MANTRAS for YOUTUBER. And I assure you that if you want to be a YouTuber then please follow these 5 mantras so that you can get the success as a YouTuber. It’s my own experience of following these 5 mantras continuously, I became a successful YouTuber.

I am satisfied to work with YouTube as its policies are best in all the way. Like its rules are equal for all the users, strict about the term and conditions, payments are on time, very careful about the wrong content or channel those give the wrong information immediately ban by YouTube, so many good things. So, friends, I will suggest that if you have some good content by which people will get benefit then you can join YouTube and earn for yourself. This is the best career option for all. There is no degree boundation to work with YouTube. There are many housewives who are running their cooking channels and earning the best monthly package.

Friend, it’s necessary to build your skills in digital marketing to become a YouTuber. If you want to learn the skills of digital marketing then you can join our institute in Delhi and if you want to learn digital marketing skills from your home then you can join our online batches in our online mobile app. Thus, you can also make your career as a YouTuber and make a strong financial status. I hope this topic will be useful to you. If you have any queries regarding it then feel free to ask. Thanks for supporting me. Bye and take care.



Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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