Nowadays there is a craze among the youth to work in BPOs. Thus I brought up the topic of BPO Jobs after 12th in India In 2023. BPO stands for ‘Business process outsourcing’. I will provide the complete details about the BPO and also the benefits and job opportunities to work with BPOs. As per the trend to work in BPOs is the best option to break your hesitation and fear.
Also you will able to make the links with professionals. As per the time flexibility you can continue your studies and after sometime can grab the opportunity in your field. Work in the BPOs is the best option for short time those have chosen a different field for their future. But if you want make your career in BPOs then you need to get train and develop yourself as per the need.
Increment and gradation are necessary to continue in a BPO. You can’t stick to one work. So if you want to make a career in BPO then please read all instructions carefully and then take the decision for a BPO career. Now let start with the best topic of BPO Jobs after 12th in India In 2023.
BPO jobs/ BPO companies
These are the important point which you should know before starting your career in BPOs.
Point no. 1 - What is BPO?
The main motto of the BPO is to get people to work at low wages. BPO is an outsource process in which Third Party Provider is included in team on contract basis. The BPO is usually a Classified Outsource in Back Office. This includes Internal Trade Operations like – Human Resource, Finance and Accounting. And Front Office Outsourcing includes Customer Service such as Call Center.
Many big companies of outside are outsource their services to other countries where a large number of low-paid employees are found. We can say in simple words that BPO is a process in which business work is done by a third party by giving contract. A BPO is a type of work in which an organization which handover their work to other companies due more work load and lack of staff members.
In this process both companies get benefits. Like the company lessens its workload and other company get the work for their employees. BPO has its own roots manufacturing industry in which other companies are hired and different parts of the product are made by them and they make a deal under it to fulfill the all work requirements by the company.
Point no. 2 is - Why BPO?
After your 12th class if you need a good work environment then BPO companies are the best options. In BPO companies you will get young employees mostly with good communication skills. You will get friendly and supportive work environment and also will learn many new things from the professionals.
Working in BPO companies can give you a big quick earning which can be used for your studies or other things as the packages of BPO companies are excellent in compared of other industries. You don’t need any technical qualification to work in BPOs as well as no need to learn any specific skill as per other professions.
BPOs are runs the PD sessions and training programs free of cost along with regular product and voice training. Thus working with BPO industries you will upgrade your communication skills and also you will able to remove your hesitation to talk with seniors and colleagues. You will also get the complete training about the field in which you will be employed like insurance, finance, accounting, computer, mobile, etc.
whenever you will get chance to visit abroad then worked with BPOs help you getting visa. There are other more facilities in BPO industries like they provide like gym, swimming pool, and use of Internet for free. Also, employees get free conveyance facility. Most of the international BPO firms arrange parties and get together at excellent hotels and discs on weekends all paid by the company. And also tours are arranged by the companies at hill resorts.
Point no. 3 is - Skills required
As I informed you that you don’t want any technical skills to work in BPO industry but there are skills you need to get more success in BPOs. Generally the skills I preferred below are necessary in every field but if you have these skills then you will grow very fast in BPO industries.
Language training: this skill is necessary for everyone. Mostly the BPOs are work on the projects connected to foreign countries and to communicate to them you need good command over the English language. There are some domestic BPOs where you need Hindi language but if you want good facilities then the international BPOs provide the maximum facilities to their employees. Thus language training skill is necessary to work in BPOs.
Listening skills: this is no. 2 skill which you require to work in BPO sector. There are many more customers involved in call centers and you need to tackle them properly. Means you have to listen the queries of customers properly and satisfy them by solving their matters. The main motto of call center executive is to listen the queries or problems of customers of related product and solve them fully. Thus you need strong listening skill to work in BPO industries.
Management skills: management skill is the third important skill which you need to work in BPOs. Management means to manage or to arrange the work properly as per the time and need. If your management skill will best then very soon you will be a leader of a team. Yes the candidates those have the best management skill, companies give them opportunity to handle a team and take work from them. Thus if you are good to manage the things then you will soon get the increment and promotion in your firm.
Point no. 4 is - Eligibility
As I informed you that after your 12th class you can join the BPO industries to start your early earnings. But after getting job in BPOs you should continue your studies till your graduation. If you want to reach in higher post in BPOs then you need graduation for it.
As per my experience of life is everyone should complete their studies. Sometime we have all skills to get success in life but due our education’s degree we are not able to get the wages as compare to degree holder. Thus it’s very important for all to complete your studies.
Point no. 5 is - Job opportunities
Working in the BPO industries after your 12th class is good choice for your future and if you want to make career in BPOs then here are some job opportunities in BPO sector. You can choose any one of the below job field as per your choice.
Telemarketing: Telemarketing is the way of work to selling products or services over the telephone. For telemarketing work you need good commands over telephones and know how explain the terms and conditions over the phones.
Your words should be very clear, so that the customer influenced with your calls and ready to buy the products of the company. The main objective of telecallers is to do promotions of the company products, connect the maximum customers to company, and increase the sales.
Work as call center supervisor: the job opportunity is work as call center supervisor. Work of a supervisor is to lead a small team and later these types of candidates reach to manager level. Or we can say that it’s a starting of a leader to lead a team. In other word we can say that a supervisor is a person responsible for the productivity and actions of a small group of employees.
The supervisor has many responsibilities, and also some powers as the other member of management, a supervisor’s main job are to look after the team member’s work under him. In some condition he can’t take the direct action rather he has to convey his seniors to solve the matter. A Call center supervisor is to arrange and direct the staff of call center under him.
You will be responsible for providing their work and give them feedback to maximize performance. A call center supervisor is need supervisory experience and leading qualities to give the best output with his team members. The ideal candidate must possess great communication skills and be able to lead and motivate his staff members work under him.
You will be organized and reliable as well as results-oriented person for his company. His other responsibilities are to assist in the formulation of targets for individuals and teams, hire and onboard new employees, answer questions from staff and provide guidance and feedback.
Work as call center manager: The manager is the person responsible to control the group of staff. The definition of a manager is a person responsible for leading and boosting employees and for directing the growth of the firms. An example of a manager is the person who is the incharge of customer service, and who deals with customer issues and also look after and supervises customer service agents.
Managers of the call centers appoint and train, and boost their staff members to provide excellent service to customers. They set goals, make sure that the company and staff both achieved the targets and provide reliable, necessary support for customers.
They train their staff members to provide support for customers by solving their queries. And help in company progress. Manager is the top most person of a related department. The all work is done as per his guidance and he support and lead his team members for the best result of his department.
Customer relations: whenever a new customer introduced to the company by a telecallers then later it handover to a customer relationship executive. The main work of a customer relationship executive is to maintain the relation between the customer and company. These executive solve the queries of customers and make sure that there will be a long relationship maintain with customers. Thus if you have skill to satisfy and convince the customers then this job opportunity is best for you.
Sales: sales are important part of every firm as the growth of company depends on its sales department and the growths of employees depend on the company growth. Thus sales are related to whole growth of the company. Working in the sales department is a responsible post and you learn many things under this department. The main skill you learn while working in the sales department is the need and mood of the customers. Once if you are able to judge the customers then it is easier to grow the sales of the company.
Point no. 6 is – Salary
Salary packages are the best in BPOs industries as compare to other industries. If after your 12th class, you go to find out the work in BPO sector then the starting packages are 15K to 25K. And these packages depend on your language and way of communication. But if you do not have good command over the English language then too you will get 12K to 20K salary packages as a fresher. These packages are the best as compare to other industries packages.
Above are the complete details of BPO Jobs after 12th in India In 2023. After reading the whole topic you will be able to know whether you want to make a career in BPO or not. As per my experience, I will give suggestion that every student should work with BPOs in starting because to working with BPOs the student able to break their fear and hesitation.
The BPOs provide training session for personality development in free of cost which develop the candidates and they are able to get more success in future. I wrote the all the details of BPO in this topic but still you have any confusion regarding the topic then feel free to ask. I will try to give the answer of your queries surely.
If you want to learn any skill regarding the work in BPO then we are providing complete training with affordable fees. Please once visit our DOTNET Institute in Delhi for offline classes and download our mobile app for online classes from your home only. Thanks for supporting us.

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.