How to find dream job

How to find dream job | how to get your dream job

After completing studies, everyone wants a dream job it may, you related to any field dream job is a big achievement of life for everyone. So let’s know How to find dream job, or how to get your dream job.

Career as per your interest and talent is important for your life. You may go in any field but the first achievement of career is to get a dream job. When you were a child you had faced this question that what will you become when you grow up and engineer, doctor, teacher, police is common answer from everyone’s side.

But while growing up and after completing studies everyone first priority is to get a dream job. So here I am giving you the best steps how to get find dream job, or how to know your dream job.


Why Dream Job?

Dream is important for you to live your true life with fearless time. Dream job is important for you to live your true life with fearless time. Dream job will provide you the chance to prove who you are actually, what are your strength and your best performance. Here are some benefits why you should fight to get a dream job.

  • Allows you to show your real talent and strength at dream job

  • Dream job fit easily in your life without any disturbance.

  • Dream job will support your values towards life

  • You will feel good and energetic because you are doing the work you like most or you dreamed about it.

  • Promote your passion as you do what you like

  • Your job will not a burden for you rather it will be enjoyable

  • You will work as per choice not on pressure

  • Dream job will complete you

Get your dream job with these 5 steps | How to find dream job

Set a Goal for your dream job

Whenever you go to choose your career or job then ask these question to you that you really want to do this, is your interest in this work, had you ever dreamed about this work, do you have talent of handling such type of work, and then if you get positive answers then go for the work otherwise such switch from that work.

So whenever you want to set goal for your dream job then remember these things:

  • Choose work you love

  • Passionate about your dreams

  • Set Salary package

  • Industry in trend

  • Field as per your interest

  • Research on future of your field

Start researching and acquire necessary skills.

When you got to know about your career path and you have 100% believe that about your dream job then you need to take necessary steps to find a dream job. Without learning no one can get dream job. And second step you have to take how find your dream job is you have to start researching and acquire necessary skills.

Like if you want to find a dream job in art field then you have to learn designing skills related to online and offline both platforms. Same as if you want to get your dream job in marketing field then you have to research about digital and traditional marketing skills.

Learning necessary skills for dream job will help a lot in how to get your dream job, and also how to find your dream career. You needed skills are important for your job otherwise you will not be able to crack any job interview. Some common skills you require for every job:

  • Basic Computer skills

  • Digital skills

  • Know new technology

  • Marketing trend

  • Participate on social media

  • Punctuality

  • Research skill

  • Confidence

Create a stunning CV and Cover letter

Whenever you go to attend any job interview, then interview process always start with your CV and cover letter. As we know that first impression is last impression and really important that your CV and cover letter make a good impression on your interviewer.

Presently we are in a digital world and our reach became easier, and as per a survey HRs is getting more than 200 resumes for a single job post. And he has to short list some of the best resumes only for interview.

In this case he removes the irrelevant or ordinary resumes immediately. Thus, if you want to get your dream job then you need to make professional CV with cover letter to get shortlisted for interview. Focus on these points:

  • Do not use any type of drawing or art in your resume unless you are going for designing job.

  • Make your resume with same font, size, and style like professionals

  • Write true things about yourself

  • Write necessary things about you

  • Make points for information instead of paragraph

  • Don’t make your resume your biography

  • A resume only has 1-2 pages with complete information

  • Make different resumes for different job or as per job post

Make contacts with professionals

If you want to get a dream job then it’s necessary that you have professional skills and these skills you can get only if you have connection with some professionals.

Friends here I want to give my own experience that when I started my job then I used to follow my MD (Managing Director of the company) like his way of working, way of talking, way of dress up, and way of communication with team members because my dream post is I want to reach at MD post.

And I got my dream post by following professional from my early jobs. You can make your connection with some professionals through:

  • Contact on company job site

  • Make a regular connection with professional for the future opportunity

  • LinkedIn is site where you will get professionals only

  • Some Facebook groups related to professionals can join

  • Get introduced by professional to make easy to find dream job  

  • You will get guidance from these professionals to get your dream job, or how to find a dream job.

If not success, Try again and again

We do 100% preparation for job then too sometimes it’s not necessary to get job but don’t be upset. Only you need to do to try again with your previous experience that where, and how you made mistakes. And remember, not getting success in the first attempt does not mean failure in life. Rather, learning from your mistakes and trying again and again is the only success.

Sometimes you made perfect CV with necessary skills, and your interview also done well then too you have not got job that means you deserve to get better job. So just have faith on you and try again and again. Why you need to try many times for the best thing because:

  • Besides of hard work luck is also necessary for best things sometimes.

  • Job is not perfect as per your talent

  • You deserve much better than that job

  • Sometime company not able to pay as per your better skills

  • This field is not as per your strength

  • Analyze your weak points to get better

Want to get your dream job then learn skills to get a dream job by clicking on the download button below.

There are some more points you need to follow to get or to find your dream job such as:

  • Know your dislikes:

    things we like most, we participate most and win. But our dislikes make us frustrated every time and we want to get rid of it. So it’s necessary to know your dislikes to find a dream job for your future.
  • Analyzing Your Ambitions:

    take a deep examine yourself about your ambitions because you know yourself better and you know your skills, talent, weakness, and your reach. So before deciding anything especially for your career you should analyze it.
  • Talk to people to learn what your dream job is:

    communication is the best way to learn anything regarding your career or about dream job. People to whom you know better and have faith on them. People who are straightforward to say clearly anything, you have to talk to these type of people to learn what your dream job is, and also how to find your dream job.
  • List your hobbies and interests:

    people who had got success today are mostly working in field in which they have interest, or they had hobby to do this work in the past. If you will work as per your interest then you will never tire from work, rather you will love to work and always feel motivated and excited do work.
  • You don’t have to be perfect:

    perfection is related to your smart thinking, creativity, supportive nature, and humanity. But perfection on work is only thorough experience, trying, learning, and consistency. So just be a perfect human and you will be perfect automatically within duration.
  • Think about who you admire:

    spend time with people you admire most. When you get continuous inspiration about life then your energy level never goes down. You feel excited to do or to learn new thing. And this habit help you a lot to find a good and dream job for yourself.
  • Factor in your financial needs:

    know about factors in your financial needs. Thus, you can decide about your goals and also know how to get financial freedom. Many people have more financial need, so they need to make multi sources of income by learning good skill.
  • Find the Job You Want through Confidence:

    to achieve anything big in life need Confidence. You can also say that confidence is the key of your success. Try to boost your Confidence by learning new skills, spending time with professionals, and face opportunities. You can easily find the Job You Want through Confidence.
  • Research the Company:

    collecting maximum information about the Company you are going to attend interview is the best way to get your dream job. Nowadays it’s easy to do research about the Company because every company has its online platforms and websites where you can get enough information. Even companies get CV through online platforms of candidates to short list for interview.

Always remember that your hard work will give you real happiness because a person is never happy when he gets everything without hardwork, like a beggar getting.  So have faith in your hard work and move ahead in life. Please follow the above points to get a dream job with your hardwork and honesty.

List of the Best and Free Career Aptitude Tests Website

  • CareerExplorer

  • Careertest 

  • Princeton Review Career Quiz

  • The Myers-Briggs

  • com

  • Careerfitter

  • CareerHunter

  • MAPP Career Test

  • My Next Move

  • 123 Career Test

  • Career Strengths Test

  • PathSource


The motto of this topic is to provide you the tips and tricks for how to find your dream job. Everyone wishes to get a dream job but don’t know the way to find a dream job. There are many youngsters who completed their studies, learn many courses but still did not get the dream job.

Hardwork as well as smart work is necessary for find the dream job. My suggestion for you all that keep on trying to find a dream job and surely you will achieve it one day.

If you want to learn computer skills to get your dream job then we are providing the complete training at our DOTNET Institute in Delhi with offline mode, and for online classes you can download our Online Mobile App with affordable fee charges.


Learn some basic but necessary skills like computer, online, marketing, social media, etc.

  • Set a Goal for your dream job
  • Start researching and acquire necessary skills.
  • Create a stunning CV and Cover letter
  • Make contacts with professionals
  • If not success, Try again and again

Always think for your interest and natural talent you have. Lead your strength to get your dream job by cracking interview. Also don’t forget to follow above important suggestions I gave in above topic of how to find your dream job.

  • Set a Goal for your dream job
  • Start researching and acquire necessary skills.
  • Create a stunning CV and Cover letter
  • Make contacts with professionals
  • If not success, Try again and again

When you want to find a dream job then remember about these things that:

  • What are Your Priorities?
  • What makes you happy?
  • What are your goals?
  • What is your strength?
mar 20

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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