Searching for any type of good job is a tough task for everyone but this will be easy if you go through the topic ‘How to search any job with 6 easy steps. I assure you that after getting these 6 easy steps to search job online you will never face any difficulty to crack any interview.
You will all details in this topic related to best job search like, how to search job online, how to search private job, how to look for a job online, how to find online jobs, how to find a private job, and also how to find work online at home.
Why 6 steps to get any job?
Due to the rising population, there are lots of candidates for a few posts. This means the completion level became high now. In this condition, you will get the best job if you have some good techniques and knowledge of good search steps.
Thus to win a job searching task you need to know about the steps ‘How to search any job with 6 easy steps. You get benefits of the topic ‘How to search any job with 6 easy steps are:
You will get good job easily
Save your time
Develop other skills
Boost confidence
Clear about career objective
More confident on interview
Early preparation always brings the best result
Get experience
Help others like a leader
Get any private job from these 6 steps | How to search any job with 6 easy steps
Please go through carefully to know how to search the best job from home on online platforms:
1. Create Your Resume
Whenever you go to attend any job interview, the interview process always starts with your CV and cover letter. As we know that first impression is the last impression and really important that your CV and cover letter make a good impression on your interviewer.
Presently we are in a digital world and our reach became easier, as per a survey HRs is getting more than 200 resumes for a single job post. And he has to shortlist some of the best resumes only for interviews.
In this case, he removes irrelevant or ordinary resumes immediately. Thus, if you want to get your dream job then you need to make a professional CV with a cover letter to get shortlisted for an interview. Focus on these points:
Do not use any type of drawing or art in your resume unless you are going for designing job.
Make your resume with same font, size, and style like professionals
Write true things about yourself
Write necessary things about you
Make points for information instead of paragraph
Don’t make your resume your biography
A resume only has 1-2 pages with complete information
Make different resumes for different job or as per job post
Note: You can visit some of the best online sites to make impressive career resume like:
Indeed Resume Builder
Resume Companion
Novo resume
Resume Nerd
Zety Resume Builder
Live Career
Resume Genius
Resume Lab
Resume Now
Resume Help
Want to learn to make impressive resume and skills to search job then click on download button below
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2. Find Jobs from Job Portals
Job Portals site works like a bridge between the job seekers and interviewers. Job portals help both to do work and grow together. Companies craft a job ad on these Job Portals. Then these job portals’ teams send the requirement to jobseekers as per the candidate’s skills and education needed for the job post.
In this way jobseekers and interviewers both save their time and the company gets the perfect candidate for the company. You get many benefits to find Jobs from Job Portals like:
Get exact information about company
Save time
Save money
Get right candidate profile becomes easy
Get right and the best job easily
you get visibility in your selection
it’s the effective process of hiring right candidate
it’s the quicker way to get the best job
List of some online job portals:
Glassdoor Jobs
Google for Jobs
Zip Recruiter
Simply Hired
3. Find Jobs through Newspapers
There are many good jobs published in newspapers, and finding Jobs through Newspapers is still the most effective way. Reading is the most effective way to learn new words, active your mind, and develop your communication skill.
Most job seekers used newspaper reading to get benefits. Thus, many good companies post ads on the classified column of every newspaper.
The main benefits to find job through newspaper are:
Maximum professionals use to read newspaper
Get exact information about job seekers and company
Face to face interview is most effective for jobseekers as well as HR.
You can get job near your locality because company post job post as per area.
More flexibility
Convenient for job seekers and interviewer too
Newspaper reach is less expensive and easy
Newspaper’s jobs allow candidates find job at their leisure time
List of the best newspaper for finding a good job:
The Times of India: Classifieds
Employment News
Times Job
Indian Government Job
Employment News Today
Best Job India
The Economic Times
Pratiyogita Darpan
The Indian Express
Rojgar Samachar
Railway Recruitment
Jagran Josh
Business Standard
4. Find Jobs with References
If you want to get a good job then it’s necessary that you have professional skills and these skills you can get only if you have a connection with some professionals.
Friends here I want to give my own experience that when I started my job then I used to follow my MD (Managing Director of the company) like his way of working, way of talking, way of dress up, and way of communication with team members because my dream post was I want to reach MD post. And I got my dream post by following professionals from my early jobs. You can make your connection with some professionals through:
Contact on company job site
Make a regular connection with professional for the future opportunity
LinkedIn is site where you will get professionals only
Some Facebook groups related to professionals can join
Get introduced by professional to make easy to find dream job
You will get guidance from these professionals to get your dream job, or how to find a dream job.
Some of the best References through you can find good job like:
Friends who are in good profession
Group Members
Any Place You’ve Volunteered
Game Coach
Former leaders / professors/ managers
Senior Teacher
5. Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
Placement Agencies understand the requirements of both employees and employers. Thus, Placement Agencies bring the best job offers for you. Placement Agencies take care of all tasks of candidates and company both like, searching, screening, interviewing as per time demand, and training of candidates as per requirement.
Placement Agencies have lots of experience in companies’ processes, thus they help to save time and you get a good job quickly to fulfill your needs. There are many benefits to finding Jobs through Placement Agencies like:
Placement Agencies have wide network
Bring job as per requirement
Search the best in short duration
Give you honest feedback
Search many Jobs at once to save time
Bring better match for employee and employers both
Provide each type of job like, part-time, full-time, hourly, work from home, online work, and freelancing jobs.
Give valuable feedback to candidates and company too.
6. Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
The career page has lots of benefits for candidates as well as a company because it has many advantages. Companies make career pages to save their hiring on candidates, for advertising, for saving time, and also for direct contact to jobseekers to get candidates as per the company’s requirement.
If you find Jobs from Companies Career Page then it will be best for you as you will get to know about the company working policy, about their fame and turnover, place in the market. With this information, you will come to know which company is best for you or not. You will also be able to know the financial condition and growth rate of a company.
Benefits to Find Jobs from Companies Career Page are:
You will know about company policies and market condition
You will get information for which you crave
You can make decision for interview
Career page of any company is first point to contact directly to company
You know maximum information on a career page
Career page will help to get exact company where you want to do job.
Make your job searching easy and exact
Get honest feedback directly from company
No confusion which often create by mediator
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Google jobs in India | Google में चाहिए नौकरी तो कर ये 5 कोर्स - मिलेगा लाखों का पैकेज | Google Jobs
Retail Management Career | Retail Jobs | How to get Retail Management Job
How to Start Earning as a Graphic Designer?
Paramedical Courses | Paramedical Career | कम बजटऔर कम फीस में मेडिकल करियर बनेगा
The 10 Best Job Search Websites of 2022
Glassdoor Jobs
Google for Jobs
Zip Recruiter
Simply Hired
Social media sites
Social Media work is advertising for a company’s product or services on social media platforms. This is the best skill and is highly in demand as the popularity of social media made it a high demandable skill. Companies can make their product a big brand product after learning this skill.
Companies use to make the strategies of social media campaigning on very popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. thus, the activeness of everyone is more on social media where you get hired easily. The best social media sites to find a job are:
Job boards or job banks
Job boards are the site where employer post their jobs with the requirements of the company and get suitable employees. This is the best way for job seekers to find a job easily and with a short duration.
An employer can post jobs directly on job boards and employees can apply for jobs directly. Job boards are beneficial for both job seekers and interviewers.
Glassdoor Jobs
Google for Jobs
Zip Recruiter
Simply Hired
Online periodicals
Online periodicals are related to online E-Magazines, newspapers, and journals, and these platforms help you find the best job. Online periodicals publish as per their time schedule. Online Periodicals are the available fees at the online platform.
Online Periodicals are helping to get exact jobs and mostly companies’ professional belong to Online Periodicals. Online periodicals are online magazines, or newspapers which are publication comes out periodically. These periodicals have different types of articles, and stories belong to the real life of the professionals. Candidates with good skills can find the best job for them by reading online periodicals
List of Newspapers
Employment News
The Times of India
Lists of Newspapers by Country
NewsLink Web Newspapers Worldwide
Association websites
Association is related to a group of people who come together around a common purpose. These people have an interest in the same field thus, they gather and run associations. Members of the association work for non-profit and they can request tax-exempt status from the government.
The benefits of searching for jobs on Association websites are many candidates do not post their resumes and less competition. Every Association website has a “chart Board” where you can talk about anything related to job posts.
Job seekers can find jobs numerous times on association websites just by making connections on their chat boards and conversing with many professionals. Some Association websites are:
Google Directory of Associations
Yahoo Directory of Associations
Weddles Directory of Associations
Paid Directories of Associations
Organizations Based in Specific States
InfoPlease is a Good Source
Manta is a Great Source
Search engines
You can go for any type of web search with help of any search engine. Search engines help to get multiple sites related to your search you can visit any site as per your search and interest. The search engine is a part of the internet and these engines contain information related to World Wide Web.
You can search for anything on a search engine with the help of any device and internet connection. Job search is a maximum search on popular search engines like Google and Yahoo. The best search engines are:
Contextual Web Search
Yippy Search
The motto of this topic is to provide you the tips and tricks for How to search any job with 6 easy steps. Everyone wishes to get a good job but doesn’t know the way to find a good job. There are many youngsters who completed their studies, learn many courses but still did not get the dream job.
Hard work, as well as smart work, is necessary for finding a good job. My suggestion for you all that keeps on trying to find a good job by following How to search any job with 6 easy steps and surely you will achieve it one day.
If you want to learn computer skills to get your dream job then we are providing complete training at our DOTNET Institute in Delhi with offline mode, and for online classes, you can download our Online Mobile App with affordable fee charges.
- Create Your Resume
- Find Jobs from Job Portals
- Find Jobs through Newspapers
- Find Jobs with References
- Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
- Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
- Create Your Resume
- Find Jobs from Job Portals
- Find Jobs through Newspapers
- Find Jobs with References
- Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
- Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
Learn online skills and digital marketing skills to find a job quick and easily. Because both skills are highly in-demand currently.
Create Your Resume, and posting resume on offline, and online sources is the first step to getting a job.
Create Your Resume in professional way, and post it at online job websites as these job portals have every type of job related to every skills, or every field.
- Create Your Resume
- Find Jobs from Job Portals
- Find Jobs through Newspapers
- Find Jobs with References
- Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
- Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
- Learn market demand skills
- Develop interpersonal skills
- Pursue higher education
- Share your expertise
- Seek out leadership roles
- Create Your Resume
- Find Jobs from Job Portals
- Find Jobs through Newspapers
- Find Jobs with References
- Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
- Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
- Go for Search engines
- Visit Association websites
- Go by Online periodicals
- Search on Job boards or job banks
- Join debate on Social media sites
- Create Your Resume
- Find Jobs from Job Portals
- Find Jobs through Newspapers
- Find Jobs with References
- Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
- Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
- Create Your Resume
- Find Jobs from Job Portals
- Find Jobs through Newspapers
- Find Jobs with References
- Find Jobs through Placement Agencies
- Find Jobs from Companies Career Page
- Go for Search engines
- Visit Association websites
- Go by Online periodicals
- Search on Job boards or job banks
- Join debate on Social media sites

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.