Are you planning to learn the best computer course then your search mahjong ways ends with the ADCA course? As there are lots of Job Sector After the ADCA Course provide you more job options. The ADCA course will make you eligible to get more jobs because this course syllabus is perfect for beginners to get jobs easily.
You will get training from basic application like operating system, paint, MS Office to advanced learning with TALLY ERP9, HTML, and more.
What is ADCA course?
The full form of the starlight princess ADCA is ‘Advance Diploma in Computer Application. This is a well know diploma course in the field of the computer from a basic operating in computer to office automation applications and graphics with basic accounting also covered in this course after completion of 10th and 12th it is a good option for a student to start learning computer.
After completion of the course student is fully capable to operate computer or ready to do work in offices and companies. ADCA course provides training from basic to advance computer operations.

This is the most popular one-year diploma course of computer for all stream students and the syllabus of the ADCA course is suitable for all. The ADCA course duration is 15 months from our Dot-Net Institute.
Job Sector After ADCA Course
1. Small and Medium offices
As we all know that the work of any company can’t be modern without computer technology. It may be small, medium, or MNC, each type of company working with help of computer technology. Thus, these companies need candidates perfect in computer operating.
The Job you can apply in small and medium offices after the ADCA course:
- Computer technician
- Data entry clerk
- Computer operator
- Help desk executive
- Tally operator
- Front office executive
- Office Executive
- Photo Editor
- Graphic Designer
The Average salary in small and medium offices after the ADCA course in computer:
20K after the training period in small and medium offices after ADCA computer course. The above salary can vary from office to office. It can differ as per location, job responsibilities and company level.
2. Government Jobs
After completing the ADCA course slot bet 100 from any reputed institute or university, you can apply for government jobs. The ADCA computer course makes you job ready in the government sector with basic to advanced level skills.
The Government jobs you can apply in the government sector after the ADCA course:
- Computer operator
- DTP operator
- Data Entry operator
- Tally operator
- Computer teacher
- Customer support Executive
- Help Desk operator
- Graphic Designer
The Average salary in the government sector after the ADCA course in computer:
The average pay scale in the government sector is 18K to 19K for fresher and salary can differ as per location, job responsibilities and job post.
3. Institute / School and University
Currently, every school has a computer subject in their academic syllabus for each class, it may be primary classes or senior classes. And from attendance to the whole session record of each student is maintained on the computer. Thus, Institute / School and University have lots of job after the ADCA course for candidates.
The Job you can apply in Institute / School and University after the ADCA computer course:
- Computer teacher
- Computer operator
- Tele caller
- Intern/trainee
- Front office executive
- Counsellor
- Back-end executive
- Tally operator
- DTP operator
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Average salary in Institute / School and University after the ADCA course in computer:
You can get 15K to 25K as a fresher in Institute / School and University after the ADCA course in computer and salary can differ as per location, job responsibilities and job post.
4. Nursing home and hospital
Whenever we think about jobs in the healthcare sector then it comes to our mind automatically that one must pursue a degree as a doctor or nurse. But now there are lots of job opportunities for computer candidates in the healthcare sector. Therefore, you can get a job in any Nursing home or hospital after the ADCA computer course.
The Jobs you can apply in Nursing homes and hospitals after the ADCA computer course:
- Computer operator
- Costumer care executive
- Front office executive
- Back-end executive
- Data Entry operator
- Tally operator
- DTP operator
The Average salary in Nursing homes and hospitals after the ADCA course in computer:
Candidates can get 17K to 25K average salary in Nursing homes and hospitals after the ADCA course in computer. And salary can differ as per location, job responsibilities and job post.
5. Call Center / BPO and KPOs
BPO and KPO are 2 types of outsourcing that companies often employ, particularly when it comes to calling work. These types of outsourcing help to decrease the company’s cost and increase productivity and efficiency.
BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing, and KPO stands for Knowledge Process Outsourcing. BPOs and KPOs have more job opportunities for youngsters after learning the ADCA computer course.
The Job you can apply in Call Center / BPOs and KPOs after the ADCA computer course:
- Customer care executive
- Technical support member
- Tele-marketing
- Computer operator
- Data Entry operator
- Sales Executive
- Market Research experts
The Average salary in Call Centers / BPOs and KPOs after the ADCA course in computer:
Candidate can get 18K to 22K salary as a fresher in Call Center / BPO and KPOs after the ADCA course in computer and salary can differ as per location, job responsibilities and as per post.
Above are the Job Sectors After ADCA Course in which you can apply for job after completing the ADCA computer course some common job posts you can apply for after the ADCA course in maximum sectors like accountant, computer teacher, counsellor, team leader, typist, work in a cyber café or can open your own cyber café, etc. ADCA course is very beneficial for all stream students and there is no age limit to learn this course. You can check the complete details of the ADCA course which we are providing in our Dot-Net Institute as well as in our Online Mobile App.
If you want to know more details about the ADCA course then please visit our website and after getting the information take the decision fast to learn the ADCA course. The duration of the ADCA course is 15 months when you take 1-hour class daily but the duration can be 7 months only if you take the 2 hours class daily.
There are lots of jobs you can get after the ADCA computer course like:
- Clerk
- DTP operator
- Computer Operator
- Computer teacher
- Front office executive
- Data entry operator
- Graphic Designer
- BPO Executive
- Typist
- Telecaller
- Telemarketing
You will get 15K to 20K per month salary after the ADCA course and salary can differ as per location, job responsibilities and job post.
Types of jobs in the government sector after the ADCA computer course:
- Clerks
- Operators
- Trainers
- Faculty
- Assistants
- Teachers
- Executives
The full form of ADCA is ‘Advance Diploma in Computer Application. This is a well know diploma course in the field of computer from basic operating in computers to office automation applications and graphics with basic accounting also covered in this course after completion of 10th and 12th it is a good option for a student to start learning computer.
There are many computer courses best for every job like:
- Data Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Digital marketing course
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Web Development
- Big Data Engineering
- Software Development