Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023

Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023

Just after completing the 10th if you want to do computer jobs then here are the Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 for you. Human beings are mostly different from each other in behavior, skills, interest, and physique hence everyone chooses a career as per their interest & capacity and develops their future.

Thus there are many students who like to study hard but some like to do practical works in life. So don’t worry friends, only completing your 10th class you can start your early earnings and continue your studies too. Whenever we start a job then we became mature while working as any kind of job made us more mature and understandable towards life.

So I believe that if you don’t like to do studies then start your job after your 10th class and you will know the value of further studies and you will again start your studies for better job opportunities in the future.

Today, I brought the topic about the Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023. After doing these types of jobs for some time, you will get help in choosing your career related to your interest. Now let start to know about the Top 10 Jobs in the computer after 10th class in 2023.


Job no. 1 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is DATA Entery operator

Data entry is the transfer of all data from the paper files to computer files or we can say that to make software copy from the hardware copy as soft copy of any data is for life long, easy to maintain, and easy to find from anywhere if it’s save in email account. And this important work is done by a data entry operator.

He has the responsibility to feed the data in the available format and save it in computer files. Data entry work is generally done by everywhere as people collect data through the survey of different places and then they save this data into the computer for further use, for comparison, for analyzing, or many other reasons. Data entry operators are responsible to manage and maintain effective records in the computer by entering the data from paper formats.

The main motto of a data entry operator is to keep data in order so that it can be ready to use at any time. Data entry jobs attract many qualified people to save time and earn money. A data entry operator needs typing skills, basic computer knowledge, and he is capable to use equipment like printer, scanner, phone, etc. Thus the job no.1 is a data entry operator from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 2 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Computer operator

The work of a Computer Operator in the company is monitoring and controlling the computer system. He is very important for a company and he should be the knowledge of MS Office, Accounting Software, and also perfect in handling the system efficiently.

The operator means a person who operates equipment or a machine thus a computer operator is responsible to run the computer system properly. He has many responsibilities like create back-ups for data, monitor the computer performance, manage files on the computer, monitor multiple client batch streams,

perform data processing operations, respond to error messages, and overall maintain and control all the files which are later demand by any department of the company. Thus the job no.2 is a computer operator from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 3 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Office Assistant

Assistant means a person who gives support and helps his senior in every official work. But an office assistant works for the whole office and support all staff member in their daily tasks. The main work of Office Assistant is to manage many office tasks and work efficiently even under more work load.

This person is comfortable working with more potential of attention to detail and discretion as well as includes new and effective ways to achieve the best results. The ideal candidate will be hardworking and honest with his all tasks.

An Office Assistant has many responsibilities such as maintain office and assist the other staff members, communicate with everyone in timely for tasks completion, maintain data for records, make meetings schedule, resolve the issues related to policies, handle the requests, maintain all office equipment, and including facilitating office functioning smooth way. Thus the job no.3 is Office Assistant from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023

Job no. 4 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Graphic Designing

Graphics is the front face of every product or every advertisement. We need to do an advertisement for every product for the reach of customers. By the best graphics, we are able to show the quality of products to attract more and more customers thus the graphics are necessary for each product, and we need a graphic designer to make the graphic.

If you like to do drawing or sketching then you can be a successful graphic designer. The responsibilities of a graphic designer are to make designs for web pages, logos, signs, set the images and text accordingly, create the best designs by using technology, like Photoshop, Corel draw, etc.

Make a direct link with clients to understand their need of designs, select the best type and style for designs to make the pictures or text more attractive, get the feedback from the client for improvement, always review your designs for final setting and then go for the printouts or emails for the clients. Thus the job no.4 is a graphic designer from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 5 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Video Editing

Video content is more popular at the present time as it has the ability to connect every age group and even video content understand by an illiterate person easily. So video editing is a highly demanding skill to earn more money to work from home. There are many companies and many you tubers who want video editor can work from home for their video content, thus you can get the more work easily if you have the skill of video editing.

This is also the best skill to earn from home job. Video editing is highly in demand as you all know the popularity of the YouTube website. And in other fields like marriage function, company events, festive function, etc. all have need of a video editor. You can learn video editing skills and after that, you will get the work from home easily.

As I told you that there are many you tuber those need a video editor and you can contact them to start your work from home. Video editing is easy to learn as well as easy to earn from it. You need to spend only two to three hours in this work and you will able to earn good money. If you have an interest in video editing then learn it and start earning by work from home. Thus the job no.5 is Video Editing from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 6 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Front office Assistant (receptions)

Mostly front office Assistant jobs are designed for female employees but in the current times, many companies hire male employees too for the front office. The job responsibilities are based on the organization that sometimes there is two front-offices Assistant and sometimes only one is available to welcome the client and to handle the all work.

There are some common responsibilities which are handover to a front office Assistant by every company, campus, school, hotel, etc. like greet everyone who enters to reflect a good impact, answer the phones related to any department or some personal emergency calls related to staff members, collect each type of payment related to the company, promote the brand of the company effectively, give the replies politely to make a healthy relationship with clients or staff,

complete the task timely and honestly, receiving the information, make the customer-friendly environment and forwarding to the related department. Front Office Assistant has some necessary skills like communication skills, listening, patience, multitasking, phone etiquettes, dealing with visitors and the most important is the quick response to client requests. Thus the job no.6 is Front office Assistant from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 7 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Back office computer operator

If you have the knowledge about the applications related to MS Office like MS Word, MS Excel, etc. then you will get the back office computer operator job easily. There are more common responsibilities and duties of back-office computer operator and front office computer operator like use to make all kind of office data for the record, respond all type of requests on mail by the proper communication,

maintain the database on daily basis for later use for time to time, check data and maintain the correct records, verify all entries and save it in proper folder and files. Overall maintain and control all databases in the files and folders in the computer and provide it later demand by any department of the company for use. Thus the job no.7 is a back-office computer operator from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 8 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is the Customer care Data entry operator

Data entry is the transfer of all data from the paper files to computer files or we can say that to make software copy from the hardware copy as soft copy of any data is for life long, easy to maintain, and easy to find from anywhere if it’s save in email account. And this important work is done by a data entry operator. Customer care Data entry operator is entering customer-related data from the online or offline sources within the deadlines.

He has the responsibility to feed the data in the available format and save it in computer files. Data entry operators are responsible to manage and maintain effective records in the computer by entering the data from sources.  The main motto of a data entry operator is to keep data in order so that it can be ready to use at any time.

Data entry jobs attract many qualified people to save time and earn money. A data entry operator needs typing skills, basic computer knowledge, and he is capable to use equipment like printer, scanner, phone, etc. Thus the job no.8 is Customer care Data entry operator from Top 10 Jobs in the computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 9 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is SEO Directory submission operator

The main work of an SEO Directory submission operator is referred to as submitting the website URL and details on the web that suits your services. Directory submission helps you to improve your link building. Directory Submission is an online work that helps to get more opportunities on your webpage and it gives many advantages to your website.

Websites with good and suitable directory submissions tend to signal faster on the web. Successful directory submission raises the value of your website and increases the page ranking after the submission. This is a type of advertising of your website on the web as well as on social media.

Proper directory submission will help people reach on your website through web and social media sharing. This process is best for your brand awareness to increase the more traffic on your website. These all work is done by a directory submission operator for your website. Thus the job no.9 is a directory submission operator from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

Job no. 10 in Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023 is Toll collector helpdesk operator

The main duty of a Toll collector helpdesk operator is to collect toll and make the smooth flow of traffic in the toll plazas in which they got the responsibility. The operator must follow the health and safety rules as per the policy when he is carrying out the tasks. He must have working knowledge with computers as well as know about the types of vehicles.

He must have the knowledge of all tolls tariffs set by the management. Help Desk Operator work is related to attend the customers directly to provide the services through electronic devices. He also solves the issues related to technology and various other systems. A help desk operator in the computer field solves the issues related to computer

hardware and software, email operating systems, installation, and any other problem. Same as the toll collector helpdesk operator provides services as well as help the customer by solving the issues related to toll tariffs or system related to toll plazas.  Thus the job no.10 is a toll collector helpdesk operator from Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.


Above are the complete details about the Top 10 Jobs in the computer after 10th in 2023. Now you can start your early earning after learning the skills related to these jobs. Friends, self-earnings make us confident and independent for the future. People will respect you as well as you will have respect for yourself after your earnings. After reading the blog if you want to do the job then you can try for anyone of the above job option from the Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023.

If you want to learn any skills related to the above Top 10 Jobs in the Computer after 10th in 2023, then you can learn from our institute as we are providing the complete training in our online and offline through both modes with affordable fees. For offline mode, you can visit our DOTNET Institute and for the online mode, you can download our online mobile app. I hope this topic will be more useful for you all. Still, you have any queries then feel free to ask. 


Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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