ITI Course

Best List ITI Courses after 8th, 10th, and 12th in 2023

The question which very often disturbs the students is about their future plans. Now I am going to solve this problem with very useful information about the “Popular List ITI Courses After 8th, 10th and 12th in 2023”. The perfect age to decide about the future is when a student enters in 9th class.

If students know about his goals in the 9th class then he can do the hard work in 10th according to his goals and decide what to do next. All students work hard to become independent and it best that as soon as possible everyone should be independent.

Now if you think that you want to start your earning early then you have to learn short-term courses from ITI (as Industrial Training Institutes) to get a job. ITI offered many courses after 10th to become independent. By learning the course from ITI you will know about your interest in the field and you will aware of your skills, weakness, and strength about your field too.

Later you can work accordingly to develop your future in that field. After the completion of the course from ITI, you will get the live working training where you will work as a trainee and get the certificate of apprenticeship by the government. On behalf of this certificate, you will get a good job easily.


What is an ITI Course?

ITI – Industrial Training Institute is the best to do short-term courses for students who want to become independent and start their earning soon. ITI provides courses in many fields and students can pick classes of their own interests. After completion of ITI students can get a job in the field of electrical, mechanical, railways, and in the manufacturing field too.

ITI Course

ITI Full Form

ITI Full Form:- Industrial Training Institute

ITI Admissions process

Most admissions based on the 10th mark sheet. But there are some courses you need 12th class mark sheet and some courses need only 8th class mark sheet. It’s depending on the type of college and course. All the state governments are conducting the exams for admission. The benefit of admission in Government

College is a quality education with affordable fees. You have to apply online for the entrance exam.

Duration of ITI courses

The duration of the courses is differing. Like some courses are for a duration of 6 months and 9 months and some are of 1 year or 2 years. ITI provides the technical and engineering of both types of diplomas. Thus, the duration of the courses is differing.

Eligibility for ITI

The student has a passing mark sheet of 8th or 10th from any recognized board. Some courses need the 12th pass mark sheet but mostly courses need the 10th mark sheet. After 14 years only you can take admission for ITI courses and the maximum age is below 40 years. There is relaxation in age for some quota students only. You have to qualify the entrance exams for admission in government ITI colleges.

ITI courses benefits

As a student of the same school but not all the students are equal. In our world, everyone from top to bottom has its own importance. Like we need a doctor to cure our diseases, on the other hand, we need an electrician to cure our electrical machines run by electricity.

To become a doctor we need to study hard for approximately 3 to 5 years and then again take training for more than 5 years. Then the doctors start their actual earning. But if a student plans for a mechanic or a technician then no need to complete a degree. ITI courses are started to solve these purposes only. There are many benefits of ITI course these are:

1. Early and easy earning

2. Become independent soon

3. No need of any degree to start a job

4.Student can do ITI after 8th and 10th class

5. Choose the field of interest soon and will develop soon

6. ITI student will get job easily as compare of regular school student

7. ITI student has more technical knowledge according to other students

8. Early financial support for parents

9. ITI student will be more experienced and knowledgeable than other students

Above is the all information about ITI and now 6 Most popular ITI Engineering Courses After 10th in 2020:

Diesel Mechanic Engineering

Diesel Mechanic Engineering course you can do after your 10th class as it’s a course of engineering stream. If you have an interest in automobiles sectors then you can join this ITI course and make your future bright. As we aware that diesel vehicle is mostly commercial and there are lots of work and job demand for a diesel engineer.

In this course, you will learn everything about the engine run by diesel. That how to maintain the engine, about the wirings, parts, and oiling. You will get complete training within the 1-year duration of this course. And after completing it you will get more job opportunities in the automobile sector.

Pump Operator

Pump Operator course you can do after your 10th class as it’s a course of engineering stream and its duration is 1 year. A pump operator is related to the water supply. The machinery used to supply in every place is with the help of pump operators. As you know about the water demand for every area, without water no one can survive for a single day and we all get water from the river to our home with the help of a pump operator only.

You will learn about maintaining and operate the pump and regulate the water supply properly. Many big industries, labs, companies are paying a good package for pump operators. After completing this course you can approach these companies and get a job with the best package.

Refrigeration Engineering

Refrigeration Engineering is the number 3rd course you can do after the 10th class. The duration, of course, is 2 years and it’s an engineering stream course. As we aware of the demand for the refrigerator (fridge) at our home, shops, malls, markets, companies, and everywhere.

Without a refrigerator, our daily used item will spoil like fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, etc. even these items transport in the refrigerator container from one place to another place. You will learn the maintenance and repair of the refrigerator in this course. Thus, if you have an interest in this line then you can learn this ITI course and settle your future.

Electrician Engineering

Electrician Engineering is the number 4th best course that you can do after the 10th class. The duration, of course, is 2 years and it’s an engineering stream course. The electrician is highly in demand nowadays because our surroundings are filled with machinery run by electricity and if there is any fault in these types of machinery then the only electrician can repair it.

In our house, companies, schools, malls, etc. everywhere we need an electrician to attend the complaints regarding electricity. You can do a good job or your own business in this field. You will learn to repair all types of faults related to electricity. So if you have an interest then you can do electrician engineering and earn a good package.

Mechanic Motor Vehicle Engineering

Mechanic Motor Vehicle Engineering is the 5th best ITI course after your 10th class. If you have an interest in Motor Vehicle then this ITI course is best for you. As we all aware of the increasing demand for motor vehicles day by day and there are lots of opportunities in this field. You will learn in this course about the maintenance of vehicles like bike, scooter, car, bus, etc. or all types of road transport.

There are many students who started their own business of motor vehicles repairing and earning very good packages and even providing jobs for other persons. This course is highly in demand and there is a good future scope in this field. The duration of this course is 2 years and you need a 10th pass mark sheet from any recognized board. This is also an engineering stream course.

Mechanic Electronics Engineering

Mechanic Electronics Engineering is the number 6th best ITI course after your 10th class. The duration, of course, is 2 years and it’s an engineering stream course. You learn the maintenance of electrical equipment like AC, Fridge, Washing machines, and all types of electrical machines. After learning this course you can do a job in private sectors as well as in government sectors.

There is a lot of demand for mechanic electronics engineers in both sectors. Even you can do your own business and do good earning. There are many successful people who are in the topmost position, started their career in this field and now they are rocking. Thus, if you have an interest in electronics then this course is best for you to make your future and full fill your all dreams.

Above are the details of the 6 most popular ITI Engineering Courses After 10th in 2020. You can choose any one course of your choice and make your future bright. Dear all, ITI provides many courses but I gave the details of only these 6 best courses because after learning these courses you will never have to sit at your home without work as there will never be any recession in these fields.

As you knew that in the above courses the duration period is different like some have 1 year and some have 2 years’ duration but the eligibility is the same. Friends these all courses are best the difference in duration is only that in short duration you will learn about a particular thing only like in Diesel Mechanic Engineering course you learn about the diesel engine vehicle only and in 2 year duration, you will learn everything about the related engineering like in Mechanic Motor Vehicle Engineering.

As I told you that these all courses are best and it depends on your interest that which one you want to do. But one thing I assure you that whichever course you learn of these you will get the success definitely. So please don’t delay to take any decision for your future if you are in the 9th or in 10th class. It’s time to take decision not the time for thinking. I hope it will be a very useful topic for you. If you have any queries regarding it then feel free to ask in the comments section. Till then bye and take care.


Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.

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