diploma course after 10th

Top 10 Diploma Courses In Computer After 10th

If you are confusing what to do after 10th or what career option is best for you after 10th, then I’m here for solving your all doubts. I will describe you TOP 10 Diploma Course in Computer after 10th in this blog which will solve all your doubt regarding different diploma courses in Computer after 10th.

With the rapid advancement of technology and dependency on computers, it became a basic need to get aware yourself with the current changing digital dynamics. Getting familiar with the usage of computers from a very early age now became a necessity.


So, the students who recently completed their 10th and are interested in learning about computers and want to polish their computer skills for a better career opportunity in future; below is the detailed description of Top 10  diploma course in computer after 10th.

There is a huge demand of people who are experts in computer field in different sectors. So, learning a diploma course in computer is best option for the students who recently completed their 10th.

Here is the list of Top 10 diploma courses in computer after 10th.

  1. ADCA
  3. Diploma course in Computer Engineering
  4. Web Designing
  5. Digital Marketing
  6. ADFA
  7. Data Entry Operator
  8. Graphic designing
  9. VFX & Animation
  10. Photography & Video Editing

ADCA (Advance Diploma in Computer Application)

If you have little to no knowledge in computer’s functioning and operating and have curiosity to learn about this in depth after 10th, ADCA diploma course is the most suitable diploma course in computer to strengthen your knowledge. It is one of Top 10 trending course right now to learn computer skills.

ADCA Diploma course covers basic to advance level of computer operating. This diploma course provides you a complete overview of Microsoft Office, Basic graphic designing, usage of Basic HTML and Tally.

Course fees: – 20k – 30K INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 45% in 10th

Duration: – 6 months – 1 year (3 Semester)

Semester: –

Semester I

Semester II

Semester III



Keyboard Fingering

Using USB Pen drive

Using Internet Connection



Adobe Photoshop



Advance Microsoft Excel

Office documentation of Microsoft Word

Digital Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint


Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Access


Basic Tally

Latest update

Sales & Purchase

Order Process entries



Job Placement


Basic HTML

Introduction of Browser

Internet & E-mail

Digital Awareness




Computer operator

Graphic Designer

Front Office Executive

Office Executive

HTML Coder

DTP Operator

Average Salary: – 1.5 – 3 lakhs per annum

Institute offers ADCA Diploma course:-

Master Mind Learning Solutions

Alchemize Technologies

Apc Learning Solutions

DOTNET Institute, Delhi

V. Kalingatech It Solutions

Abroad Seat.Com

Online Platform offers ADCA Diploma Course:-

Indian Institute of Skill Development Training

eSkill India


DOTNET Institute, Delhi

COPA ITI in computer

COPA (Computer operator and program assistant) is the course provided by the ITI (Industrial Training Institute). This diploma  course is good career choice after 10th.This Diploma course covers all different topics such as Computer Fundamentals, Hardware Basics, Web – Designing, Java Script, E-Commerce, Database Management, Cyber security etc.

It is all in one diploma course which provide skills for different type’s computer related field all under a single diploma course.

Course fees: – 5k – 25k INR

Duration:- 1 year (2 Semesters)

Eligibility: – Minimum 35% in 10th Standard, Minimum 14 years old


Semester I

Semester II

Introduction of Computer Components

Introduction of JavaScript

Introduction of Windows Operating System

Introduction to VBA, Features and Applications

Computer Basics and Software Installation

E-Commerce Concepts

Image Editing and Presentation

Use of Accounting Software

Networking Concepts &Internet Concepts

Cyber Security

Word Processing Software & Spread Sheet Application

Entrepreneurship Skills & Productivity

Web Design Concepts

Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Education

Database Management Systems

Labour Welfare Legislation

& Quality Tools


Government Job

Computer Operator

Data Entry Operator


Private Sector


Average Salary:- 0.1 Lakhs – 2.5 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers COPA ITI Diploma course:-

ITI (Indian Training Institute), Delhi

Sainik Parivar Bhawan, Haryana

RAJ – CLC Industrial Training Center, Kanpur

Maharaja Aggarsain ITI, Punjab

Sarvodya Training Industrial Institute, Delhi

Bharat Private I.T.I, Haryana

Online Platform offers COPA ITI Diploma Course:-


COPA – Bharat Skills

COPA – Guide


Diploma course in Computer Engineering

This diploma course is for those students who are quite serious about learning computers in-detail after 10th and are pretty much interested in the whole technical aspects behind the working of computers.

Diploma course in Computer Engineering is a technical course which provide in-depth knowledge about the computer operating, information about computer hardware and software, programming languages, use of Microsoft Office Software etc. There are special polytechnic institute & colleges that provides Diploma course in Computer Engineering.

Course fees: – 1lakh – 3 lakhs INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 40% in 10th Standard, Minimum 15 years old

Duration:- 3 years (6 Semesters)


Semester I

Semester II

Semester III

Applied Physics

Computer Center Management

Data Structure

Applied Chemistry

Engineering Mathematics-II

Electronics Workshop

Engineering Mathematics

Communication Skills-II

Operating System

Value and Ethics in Technical Education

Programming in C

Network Essentials

Communication Skills – I

Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics

 Engineering Economics

Engineering Mathematics – I

 Engineering Drawing

Object-Oriented Programming in C++

Semester IV

Semester V

Semester VI

Linux O.S.

 Web Page Design

 Computer Networks

Database Management System

 System Software

 Wireless and Mobile Communication

Marketing Management

Software Engineering

Network Installation & Management

Multimedia Technology & Application

 Client Server Application

Entrepreneurship Development

Programming in Visual Basic

MP & Programming

 Industrial Training of 6 Week

Computer Architecture




Software Developer

Android Developer

Web Designer

IT Executive

C++ Programmer


Average Salary:- 2.1 Lakhs – 3 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in Computer Engineering:-

Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Delhi

Guru Nanak Dev Institute of Technology, Delhi

KIIT Polytechnic College, Bhubaneswer, Odisha

BIT Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh

Government Polytechnic, Nashik, Maharashtra

KMCT Polytechnic College, Kerala

Online Platform offers Diploma course in Computer Engineering:-

Indian Institute of Skill Development and Training (IISDT)

Wisdom School Of Management, Mumbai

Praatham Institute of Education, Delhi

Aaruhi Institute, Bangalore

Also check:

Web Designing

Web Designing is the highly demandable diploma course. Every sector needs a Web designer to endorse their products or services. So, it is best Diploma course after 10th. A Web designer can make a website attractive and interactive by using different graphics, fonts and layout to attract the internet traffic towards the specified website which will eventually help to boost the certain business.

This is a high paid career opportunity which will you get easily after 10th. With the skills obtained by this diploma  course you can easily design your website like a professional.

There is a huge demand of Web designer in IT sector, sales, Banking sector, Retail, Healthcare etc.

Course fees: – 30k –75k INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 55% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 6 months – 1 years (4 Semester)


Semester I

Semester II

Basic principles involved in developing a website.

Concept of Interactive design

Planning Process

Preparation of Advertisement, Magazine

Rules of web design

Visual Reading Elements

Page Design


Home Page Layout

Digital Platform

Design Concept

Digital Output

Study of Colours

Basic Image Editing

Art & Aesthetic

Digital Photography

Semester III

Semester IV

Asymmetrical Balance

Working with text and font properties.

Artificial Light

Practising Hyperlink of Website

Short Depth of Field

Multimedia in Practice


Block Properties in CSS

Beginning: CSS

Video Frame Grabber

Adobe Photoshop



Corel Draw

Graphic Design

Artificial light

Basics of Digital Photography


Design and layout analyst

Web Application Developer


Frontend Web Designer


UX Designer

Design and layout analyst

Average Salary:- 2.5 Lakhs – 5 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in Web designing:-


Vogue Institute of Art and Design, Bangalore

Arena animation

Techstack Academy, Delhi

ADMEC Multimedia Institute


Online Platform offers Diploma Course in Web designing :-





Digital Marketing

If you looking for fun and innovative career field after 10th, Digital Marketing is best diploma course in computers for you. It is one the best and most promising career field among the top 10 diploma courses in computers.

There is a rapid increase of dependency on digital networks due to the outbreak of COVID 19 and decrease in the traditional ways of working. Using technology become a basic necessity to survive in the rapidly changing digital dynamics.

So, learning Digital Marketing diploma course is a great skill to get familiar with ongoing changing technological advancements. With the knowledge and skills you gain from this diploma course, you can easily be a social media expert within 1 year, and have stable career ahead.

This diploma course makes you familiar with various concept such as E-mail Marketing, Social Media Marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), WordPress Web, Affiliate Marketing etc.

Course fees: – 30k – 80k INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 50% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 6 months – 1 years


Introduction to Digital Marketing

Google Analytics

Operating and File Management

Online display Advertising

Website Planning Creation

E- Commerce Marketing

E – mail Marketing

Content Marketing

Social Media Marketing

YouTube Marketing

Lead generation for Business

Mobile Web Marketing

Google adWords PPC Advertising

Online Reputation Management

Search Engine Optimization

Adense & Blogging

Digital Marketing Strategy

Project Work

Affiliate Marketing

Freelancing Work


SEO Analyst

E-mail Marketing Specialist

Social Media Expert

PPC Manager/ Specialist

AD Campaign Manager

Google Analytics

Mobile Marketing Manager

Content Marketing Manager

Online Reputation Manager

WordPress Website Designer

Average Salary:- 3.5 Lakhs – 9 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in Digital Marketing:-


Freelancer Academy


OPTRON Academy

Online Platform offers Diploma course in Digital Marketing:-




Digital Vidya

ADFA (Advance Diploma in Financial Accounting)

This diploma course offers in- detail knowledge about the financial Accounting field. Students who wants to choose commerce stream after 10th can opt for this diploma course because this diploma course will help you to gain required practical skills and knowledge and help you to give an early boost to your career.

This diploma course will covers all the information of software technologies related to Financial accounting world. This diploma course provides you the specified accounting skills which is in high demand to handle various Banking and Accounting project.

Course fees: – 10k – 20k INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 50% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 6 months – 1 years (3 Semester)


Semester I

Semester II

Semester III



Keyboard Fingering

Using USB Pen drive

Using Internet Connection


Accounting Principles

Accounting Fundamentals

Golden rules of Accounting

Journal Entries & ledgers


Advance Tally

Advance Excel

Advance Microsoft word

Advance Microsoft PowerPoint


Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Access


About latest version of Tally

Company Setup & Feature

Creating Masters, Group & ledgers

Project Work


Job Training


Basic HTML

Introduction of Browser

Internet & E-mail

Digital Awareness


Income Tax Returns

TDS E- Filing

Service Tax E-Filling

GST Introduction & Filing



Account Executive

Inventory Clerk

Senior Accountant

Tally Operator

Tax Consultant

Account Manager

Administrator executive

Banking Clerk

Excel/MIS Executive


Average Salary:- 1.5 Lakhs – 3 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in ADFA:-


IIMT Group of College, Greater Noida

Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University

AKB Institute of Finance and Management

Online Platform offers Diploma course in ADFA:-


Chandigarh University

Institute of Shipping, Delhi

Amity University Online

Data Entry Operator

A diploma course in Data Entry Operator is a good choice of career for students who completed their 10th recently. In Both Private and Government sector, presence of Data Entry Clerk is much needed. This type of Job does not require any technical knowledge. You only need speed, accuracy and precision for handling long periods of working hours with requisite typing skills. A Data Entry Operator is solely responsible for managing and maintaining confidential and sensitive information in a meticulous way.

You can work from home or freelancing work easily as a Data Entry Operator. 

Course fees: – 5k – 15k INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 50% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 6 months – 1 years (2 Semester)


Semester I

Semester II

Basic of Computers

Basic of Spreadsheet

Operating System

Formatting of Spreadsheet

Basic Word Processing

Formulas, Functions and charts

Formatting Documents

Creating Presentations

Mail merge

Introduction to Internet


Computer Operator

Front Office Executive

Data Entry Operator

Help desk operator

Customer Support


Average Salary:- 1.5 Lakhs – 2.5 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in Data Entry Operator:-


Soft Dev Tally Guru, Basti (U.P)

NorthEast Frontier Technical University, Aruanachal Pradesh

DIIT, Rohtak

Online Platform offers Diploma course in Data Entry Operator:-



Naukari learning


Graphic Designing

If you are a creative person, and have good art skills then this diploma course is best for shaping your career after 10th. In this diploma course you will learn all the aspects of graphic designing from the very beginning to the advance level.

It is the best diploma course to polish your creative skills. Graphic designing is a booming career path because every field need a visual and interactive medium to convey their motives and here graphic designer comes into the role.

Course fees: – 30k – 75k INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 50% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 6 months – 1 years


Introduction of graphic designing

Adobe After Effects

Computer operating & File Management

Some Graphic Tools


Project Work

Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator

Job Placement

Adobe InDesign



Graphic Designer

Desktop Publisher

Logo Designer

UI Designer

Flash Designer

Brand Identity Designer

Average Salary:- 2.5 Lakhs – 8 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in Graphic Designing :-


World University of Design, Sonipat.

Swarrnim Start-up and Innovation University, Gandhinagar

Vogue Institute of Art and Design, Bangalore

Online Platform offers Diploma course in Graphic designing:-





VFX & Animation

VFX & Animation is such a fascinating field to start your career after 10th. From movies, music videos to anime and even a 30 second advertisement is heavily graphic. They attract audience with their cool and awesome visuals.

This is the plus of this field, if you are exceptionally good in artistic and creative skills this course is best to showcase your hidden talent to the world.

You can upgrade your artistic skills with this diploma course. If you have passion for art and designing, this diploma course is great opportunity for you.

Course fees: – 30k – 1.85 Lakhs INR

Eligibility: – Minimum 50% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 6 months – 1 years


Multimedia basics

2D Animation

3D Animation

Computer Basic

Macromedia Director

3D Modelling


Sound Forge

Texturing & Animation


Audio Video Mixing

Rigging & Animation

Adobe Illustrator


Project work

Macromedia Flash





Film and Video Editor

Art Director

Flash Animator

Average Salary:- 3 Lakhs – 7.5 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in VFX & Animation:-

IIFA Multimedia, Bangalore

MATS University, Raipur

FAD International, Pune

Pearl Academy, Delhi

Online Platform offers Diploma Course in VFX & Animation:-


Future Learn



Photography & Video Editing

Photography & Video Editing is such a fun field to start your career after 10th. If you want to learn editing and photography skills, then you will sure choose diploma course in photography and Video Editing.

There is high demand of video editor for editing specially YouTube content because there are numerous YouTubers who want to grab millions of view through their content, so they need their videos to be innovative and eye-catching within a limited time frame; and here a skill full video editor help in fulfilling the same goal.

A diploma course in Photography helps to you polish your amateur level skills and train you for the real work environment. A Photographer’s job is capture a beautiful moment on the right click and timing and this course would teach you such level of professional skills.

Course fees: – 3.5k-10k INR (Video Editing) & 20k – 2 lakh INR (Photography)

Eligibility: – Minimum 50% in 10th standard from govt. recognized schools/institution.

Duration:- 2 -3 months on an average (Video Editing) & 6 months – 1 year (Photography)



Video editing


Screen Direction

Basic of Digital Photography

Sound Design.


Street Photography

Continuity &Titling.


Lightening techniques

Color Correction &Special Effects.



Picture Management

Portfolio, research and project


Video editing


Graphic Design & Video Editing Specialists

Travel Photographer

Video Editor cum Articulate Storyline

Fashion Photographer

Photographers/ Video Editing

Photo journalist

Average Salary:- 3 Lakhs – 7.5 Lakhs per annum

Institute offers Diploma course in Photography & Video Editing:-

Mumbai Digital Films Academy

Digital Academy The Film School

ADMEC Multimedia Institute


Online Platform offers Diploma Course in Photography & Video Editing:-


Skill Share




I hope that above given information will help you clear all your doubts regarding the various career options after 10th and give you a detailed information about TOP 10 DIPLOMA COURSE IN COMPUTER AFTER 10TH.


It a personal preference actually, you can opt for any other diploma course but diploma course in computers is quite in – demand due to the shift in working culture from offline to online. Hence, diploma course in computers provide good career opportunities.

Yes, you will definitely get a Job in multiple sectors like banking & finance, Retail, Sales, Hotel Management, IT (Information Technology), Marketing, etc.

Difficulty level of Computer diploma courses are medium level. One can easily learn and do well in diploma courses with constant practice and determination.

Yes, it is a very suitable choice to opt for computer diploma course after 10th because it provides you early benefit in learning professional set of skills which are much needed for grabbing job opportunities in future.

Best diploma course in computer for girls after 10th are as follow:-

  1. Graphic Designing
  2. Data Entry Operator
  3. ADCA
  4. Web Designing
  5. Digital Marketing
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