If you have interest in banking field then the topic ‘Complete Information about Bank Clerk’ is valuable for you. Career in banking field is the best choice as this field never has any type of downfall or recession. So if you are a commerce student and have interest in Maths then you can go for the banking sector to make your career.
People those are related to banking field look cool and tension free regarding their jobs and earnings. Even I saw many of my friends who have increased their earnings more than other field’s candidates in banking sectors. Thus, Complete Information about Bank Clerk can help you to make the career in banking sector.
Complete Information about Bank Clerk
What is Bank Clerk?
There are lots of work look after by the bank clerks and it depends on the vacant post or need of the bank. Candidate must aware that how to handle the work inside the bank. There are many clerical works at the bank like keeping records, filing and looking after stocks, managing loan-related documents and managing customer records.
And the responsibilities of a Bank Clerk are like to check the KYC for all new account holders in the Bank, managing cash and loans, Opening Loan Accounts and filling loan information, help the customers for their convenience, and also he has to work as per the advised by the bank manager.
Eligibility Criteria for the Bank Clerk
Age Limit for Bank Clerk : Minimum 20 Years and Maximum 28Years
Educational Qualification: Graduate from any recognized university
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Exam process for Bank Clerk
All exams of banking sector are conduct by IBPS (Institute of Banking Personal Selections) and the institute declared their exams before 1 year and thus every candidate has lots of time to do the preparation of banking exams.
There are two exams of the banking jobs the first one is Preliminary Exams and the second is Mains Exam. It’s mandatory for all candidates to pass both exams. After giving the exams IBPS release the merit list as per the marks scored by the candidate. And in this merit list candidates came to know about his result of the exams.
Bank Clerk Syllabus for the Both Exams
As you know that there are two exams for bank jobs thus, the syllabus little different for both exams.
The preliminary exam of bank clerk is divided in 3 parts:
Reasoning Ability
English Language
Numerical Ability
The mains exam is divided in 4 parts:
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude
General/Financial Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
English Language
What is the salary of a Bank Clerk?
As per the Government rule the basic salary of a Bank Clerk is 12K and the gross salary is 20K including your all allowances like DA, HRA, Conveyance, etc. The salary of a Bank clerk is nearly same but the allowances maybe differ in the Private Bank in comparison of Government Bank. In Private Banks employees also get weekly or monthly targets and they get extra income as incentive for achieving the targets on time.
As we all know that employees get less work burden and job security in government sectors, but they get more work burden with more income in the private sectors. Thus, if you want to grow more with more earning then go with private sector. But if you want job security with fewer earnings then Government sector is the best option for job.
Maximum work of banking related to accounting means work with numbers. The person who is perfect in accounting can be more successful than another person in life or in the future. Candidates are from the banking field get success easily as they get more job opportunities in the banking field.
Before 15 to 20 years back the accounting is done by a manual format like the accountant makes a table in the registers and fills the details of accounts by using pens with his hand. But now computer technology made the accounting easy with the best software.
At the present time, the banking work is done with the help of software and the HR department hires candidates who are perfect in online banking. Thus if you have an interest in banking sector then learn the skills related to online banking.
After reading the topic if you get interest to learn the online banking skills then we are providing the complete training of online banking courses in our online and offline mode both mode.
For online mode you have to download our Mobile App and can learn any computer course/ online banking skills from your home only. Above is the complete information about the Bank Clerk. If you have any queries regarding this topic then please write in the comment section. Till then bye and stay safe.

Hi, I Surendra Gusain founder-director DOTNET Institute with 21-year experience in computer training and 3+year experience in digital marketing as a YouTuber, Blogger, and Trainer or coach.